Biorevitalization , also known as biostimulation , is a treatment that is increasingly used in aesthetic medicine centers, widely applied and recommended to combat not only aging but also other skin problems. It is a fairly soft treatment , less invasive than cosmetic surgery, which does not aim at changing the features or giving an unnatural appearance, but at rejuvenating the skin from the inside, “encouraging” it to produce new collagen and regenerate itself.
Through this treatment the skin is revitalized in a biological way, using injection techniques that infiltrate small amounts of hyaluronic acid into the deep surface of the skin, improving cellular metabolism and hydration of dry, tired and sun-damaged skin, with immediate effects and results that last up to two years. Hyaluronic acid is therefore the fundamental component that goes to make this process that brings back time and improves the epidermal tone.

  • Why use hyaluronic acid
  • Face biorevitalization: benefits
  • What happens during biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid
  • When and where to perform a biorevitalization treatment
  • Biorevitalization: before and after
  • How many biorevitalization treatments are needed

Why use hyaluronic
acid Hyaluronic acid is the main structural element of connective tissue and stimulates many important processes in the human body, including those of the epidermal cells. For this reason, it is very important to keep the skin radiant and prevent aging: when you are young the amount of hyaluronic acid present in the dermis is quite high, but this elixir of youth begins to decrease in an unstoppable way already before the age of 30. and, therefore, reduces skin tone, tension, elasticity and liveliness of the skin, which appears dehydrated and begins to show the presence of the first wrinkles.
In addition to natural biological aging, the skin is also affected by photoaging, which is the aging of the skin caused by exposure to UV rays. Furthermore , hyaluronic acid also significantly increases skin hydration: a molecule of hyaluronic acid combines between 200 and 500 molecules of water, maintaining the balance of hydration in the tissues. This evident role of hyaluronic acid in skin hydration guarantees skin youth. Facial biorevitalization: benefits
With biostimulationthe speed of aging of the skin around the face and neck, the one most exposed to lotions, make-up and pollution, which needs constant nourishment, is drastically reduced. The face, neck and hands are also more exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun, so this treatment is ideal immediately after the summer, to reduce the side effects of exposure to sunny and hot days.
The injection of hyaluronic acid into the skin stimulates the production of collagen and increases skin hydration. Basically, the extraordinary advantage of this technique consists in stimulating the natural production of hyaluronic acid, reconstituting the fibers of the dermis and thus creating a lifting effect of the skin tissues.
Theskin tone, tension, elasticity and moisture are immediately improved and wrinkles appear less noticeable. The quality of the skin is significantly improved, the skin immediately appears soft and supple to the touch, with a brilliant glow immediately after the treatment. What happens during biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid
During the treatment, small doses of pure hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin are injected into the skin: as mentioned above, it is precisely the scientific studies that have shown that the injection of hyaluronic acid stimulates the synthesis of collagen, increases skin hydration and slows down the aging process, as well as clearly influencing the natural production of hyaluronic acid. In this way, not only is the skin hydrated, but its natural properties are also restored and greater elasticity is achieved thanks to the formation of new fibers in the dermis.
The injection of hyaluronic aciddirectly in the dermis it supplies water to the skin and allows perfect integration with the natural circulatory processes. The microcirculation, nourishment of skin cells and oxidation processes improve once the natural synthesis process of hyaluronic acid begins in the body, and this moment is clearly reflected in the appearance of the skin: after the tissues are saturated of hyaluronic acid, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated.
You can undergo biorevitalization treatmentsgradually more intense, gradually injecting ever greater quantities of hyaluronic acid into the skin, proceeding gradually. The long-term result is evident and natural, as if you had really gone back in time: the patient can see how the appearance of the skin improves gradually, touching the increase in skin tone, elasticity, color. . The skin takes on a “radiant” appearance , small wrinkles become uniform and the skin structure is completely restored. Biorevitalization is in short a stimulating therapy: the skin is revitalized thanks to hyaluronic preparations.
Therefore, by performing biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid preparations, after a minimum number of treatments (at least three with a pause between one and the other of 3-4 weeks) it is possible to obtain long-term results and improve the appearance of the skin, thanks induction of collagen synthesis. Patients who have tried a facial biorevitalization treatment with vitamins and hyaluronic acid have been extremely satisfied with the medium and long-term results. When and where to perform a biorevitalization treatment
Biorevitalization can be performed in different situations, as a preventive measure or to solve particular pathologies or skin problems:

  • to prevent aging;
  • to counteract the decrease in elasticity and solidity of the skin;
  • in case of dry and dehydrated skin;
  • to counteract the impact of free radicals;
  • in case of inadequate nutrition;
  • to eliminate the presence of small wrinkles ;
  • in case of sagging skin that changes the oval of the face;
  • to counteract the phenomenon of grayish, “tired” skin;
  • in combination with other aesthetic procedures to improve results before plastic surgery;
  • after aggressive skin procedures;
  • in case of compromised skin solidity, for example in case of acne, stretch marks and scars;
  • before and after sun exposure , to revitalize the skin especially after the holidays;
  • in very stressful periods, which can affect the brightness of the skin;
  • for women after childbirth.

In general, biorevitalization can be performed in any area of ​​the body, but usually the treatments are performed in the areas of the face, in those uncovered areas that require the most attention, as they are more damaged by UV rays and affected by photoaging. It is therefore possible to undergo treatments of:

  • biorivitalizzazione total;
  • lip biorevitalization;
  • hands biorevitalization;
  • neck biorevitalization;
  • decollete biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization: before and after
There are no specific indications to be respected before undergoing a biorevitalization treatment. However, one week before treatment it is advisable to avoid taking anticoagulant drugs such as aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers, antipyretics or anti-inflammatory drugs.
After each treatment, it is advisable to avoid the sauna, the bathhouse, the swimming pool, exposure to UV rays for 3-7 days. In any case, beauty centers that perform biostimulation treatments are able to suggest and recommend the most appropriate behaviors and products to take care of the skin after each treatment.
A biorevitalization treatment has contraindications in certain situations, such as:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of autoimmune diseases;
  • in the presence of local skin infections in the area to be treated;
  • in case of acute infectious diseases.

How many biorevitalization treatments are needed
There is a wide range of different biorevitalizing products and support preparations used for biostimulation. The preparation and conduct of the treatments must be decided under the guidance of an aesthetic medicine doctor, in relation to the age of the person and the condition of the skin.
The sequence of treatments is established during an initial consultative visit, generally free, in which the skin and the problems that afflict it are analyzed. When performing a biorevitalization treatment,the effect is instantaneous and visible immediately after the first procedure: however, it is not necessary to stop at the first treatment, but it is advisable to carry out all the recommended treatments, generally two to three every month, followed by further maintenance treatments and conservation of the results achieved.
Each treatment lasts approximately 30 to 60 minutes depending on the area in which it is performed. Normally this is not a painful procedure, but in case of hypersensitivity, the area to be treated can be anesthetized with local unsightly cream. Slight swelling is possible after the procedure, while redness is a normal skin reaction that disappears in a short time.
Biorevitalization is recommended by experts, as a “natural” (or in any case more natural than other treatments) way to stimulate the youth of the skin, without overly invasive interventions. Consistency in treatments and the indications of expert doctors – strictly aesthetic doctors – are essential to approach the face and neck “revitalization” process correctly, to appreciate its numerous benefits as soon as possible.

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