Photo by Donar Reiskoffer. The word “volcano” evokes two things in us Italians: Etna and Vesuvius. But we are sure that in our country there are no others.
But above all, we can rest assured.
We will give you a hand to understand the situation of the Italian volcanoes and their hypothetical danger .
First of all, let’s make some clarifications: what exactly is a volcano
It is a complex geological structure that is generated within the earth’s crust by the rise, following eruptive activity, of molten rock mass. This substance is what is called magma. A volcano does not erupt only the latter, but also: lava, ash, lapilli, gas, various waste and water vapor.
On the earth’s surface, 91% of volcanoes are submarines (mostly located along the mid-ocean ridges) while about 1500 are those active today on the land .. Volcanoes can erupt quietly (effusive) or explosively. The factors that affect the characteristics of a volcano are the viscosity of the magma and its silica content, on which the composition of the magma itself depends.
And in Italy
On our territory there are at least ten active volcanoes , that is, they have given manifestations in the last 10,000 years. Let’s find out which …

volcanoes Of the ten active volcanoes, only Stromboli and Etna have a persistent activity , that is, they have continuous eruptions or separated by short periods of rest. All our volcanoes are constantly monitored and studied.

1 – Etna

  • Where is it: Sicily, province of Catania
  • Dimensions: 3329 m
  • Last activity: 24 May 2016
  • Volcanic Explosion Index (VEI): 2/8

Also called Mongibello or ‘A Muntagna by the Sicilians, it is the highest volcano in Europe . It erupts from both the four summit craters and the flanks at intervals that can last from a few months to 20 years. It has both effusive (with very liquid basaltic magma flows) and explosive activity. Not infrequently , in fact, it “spits” dense columns of ash and gas , which are also visible from space. In doing so, it flings all around the rocks produced by its own eruptions (pyroclasts). Kept under strict control by the geologists of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, and predictable enough not to pose a great danger. In 2013 it was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco .

2 – Stromboli

  • Where is it: Sicilian Tyrrhenian Sea – Aeolian Islands
  • Dimensions: 926 m
  • Last activity: 9 October 2016
  • Volcanic Explosion Index (VEI): 1/8

It is a volcano that emerges from the sea and has a very characteristic eruptive activity : it expels, at regular intervals, shreds of incandescent magma up to heights of a few hundred meters. Lava and pyroclasts then pour into the sea through a steep slope called Sciara del Fuoco (fire road).

3 – Ischia

  • Where is it: Flegrean Islands – Gulf of Naples (Campania)
  • Dimensions: 900 m
  • Last activity: 1302
  • Volcanic Explosion Index (VEI): Data Not Available

Perhaps it will be a surprise for some but also Ischia and to be considered an active volcano.
Even if it does not present as dynamic activities as other volcanoes, Ischia still represents a possible danger . The intense hydrothermal activity, the fumarolic phenomena, the bradyseisms, the recent earthquakes and the eruptive history, indicate that the island of Ischia is to be considered an active volcano in all respects. This is because there are phenomena of magma rising, even if no real eruption has recently occurred. About 50,000 people live permanently on the island (to which must be added the numerous commuter and seasonal tourist presences ): in the event of a violent resumption of activity, they could beevacuated exclusively by sea . A big problem that should not be underestimated at all …

Dormant volcanoes
These are the so-called quiescent volcanoes, ie those that have erupted in the last ten thousand years but are currently in a resting phase. Some dormant volcanoes exhibit secondary volcanism phenomena such as degassing from the soil and fumaroles.

1 – Vesuvius

  • Where is it: province of Naples (Campania)
  • Dimensions: 1281 m
  • Last activity: 1944

Vesuvius, or more properly Somma-Vesuvius, is one of the most studied volcanoes in the world . Its explosive eruptions can launch gas, ash and vapors at very high speeds and hundreds of kilometers away. Everyone, in fact, knows the unfortunately famous eruption of 79 AD . that bury the nearby cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum under a cloud of ash and pumice rocks. The volcano has been in “hibernation” since 1944, but it is perfectly active. Its danger is determined by the fact that it rises in an area densely inhabited by millions of inhabitants.

2 – Campi Flegrei
Photo by Donar Reiskoffer.

  • Where is it: province of Naples (Campania)
  • Dimensions: 458 m
  • Last activity: 1538

Another high-risk volcanic area, albeit silent for the moment, is that of the Campi Flegrei. The last eruption in this area, constantly monitored, dates back to 1538. Despite this, a periodic sinking and lifting of the soil known as bradyseism is active .

3 – Colli Albani
Photo by Renato Clementi.

  • Where is it: province of Rome (Lazio)
  • Dimensions: 956 m
  • Last activity: 5000 years ago

The Laziale Volcano and the geological structure of the Alban Hills, the current landscape of the Castelli Romani territory. Currently, this volcanic area maintains a moderate activity , consisting mainly of gaseous emissions (even highly toxic), deformations in the ground and frequent and weak seismic tremors. The fact that the volcano is quiescent and has had resting phases of up to 30-40,000 years between one eruptive phase and another, raises the problem of its possible future awakening . It therefore constitutes a potential danger for all the inhabitants of the villages of the Alban Hills and for the millions of inhabitants of Rome.

4 – Volcano

  • Where is it: Sicilian Tyrrhenian Sea – Aeolian Islands
  • Dimensions: 386 m
  • Last activity: 1888/1890

The island owes its existence to the merger of some volcanoes. The largest is the Vulcano della Fossa . Although the last eruption took place in 1888/1890, the volcano has never ceased to show its vitality. Even today, in fact, various phenomena can be observed: fumaroles, jets of steam both on the crest and submarines and the presence of sulphurous mud with appreciated therapeutic properties. In the north, numerous fumaroles continue to emit boric acid, ammonium chloride and sulfur. Given the toxicity of the gases emitted , it is possible to approach them only accompanied by authorized guides.

5 – Lipari

  • Where is it: Sicilian Tyrrhenian Sea – Aeolian Islands
  • Dimensions: 37 Km²
  • Last activity: about 1400 years ago

The island of Lipari , like all the Aeolian islands, is the result of a complex series of volcanic eruptions , which have occurred over the millennia.The last volcanic products are linked to the activity of Forgia Vecchia, consisting of modest quantities of white pumiceous pyroclasts. followed by the release of a lava flow.

6 – Pantelleria
Photo by Goldmund100.

  • Where is it: Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea
  • Dimensions: 836 m
  • Last activity: 1891

It is the largest of the satellite islands of Sicily. It has an area of ​​83 km² and is the westernmost island of this group. It is located 120 km from Sicily and 70 from the Tunisian coast. Its territory is of volcanic origin . It presents many phenomena of secondary volcanism , especially hot waters and fumes that demonstrate the persistence of the volcano’s activity.

7 – Ferdinandea Island

  • Where is it: submerged, Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea – Coordinates: 37 ° 10′00 ″ N 12 ° 43′00 ″ E
  • Dimensions: Maximum altitude – 6.9 m depth
  • Last activity: 1831

Ferdinandea Island is a vast rocky platform located about 6 meters from the sea surface. It constitutes the remains of a volcanic apparatus that emerged in 1831, following the submarine eruption of a volcano: thus it rose from the water forming the island, which grew to an area of ​​about 4 km² and 65 m of height. Being mainly composed of tephra, an eruptive rocky material easily eroded by the action of the sea waves, the Ferdinandea island did not have a long life . Once the eruptive episode ended, there was a rapid erosion of the island, which then disappeared definitively under the waves in January 1832. Thus, the international disputes concerning its sovereignty were temporarily put to an end. Thanks to recent research, it has been discovered that the current reef constitutes, together with the nearby Terrible and Nerita banks, one of the accessory cones of the Empedocles underwater volcano.: it is comparable to Etna for the width of the base and rises about 500 meters from the seabed. In 2002 a renewed seismic activity in the area led volcanologists to suspect a new and imminent eruptive episode, with a subsequent consequent new emergence of the island. To avoid in advance a new dispute over its sovereignty, some Italian divers have planted a tricolor flag on the top of the volcano whose re-emergence was expected. The eruption, however, did not occur and the top of Ferdinandea Island remained about 8 meters below sea level. The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology discovered in 2012 the presence of 9 distinct volcanic craters, which should correspond to as many eruptions in the area.

Extinct volcanoes
Those volcanoes whose last certain and documentable eruption dates back to over ten thousand years ago are defined as extinct or extinct.

1 – Monte Vulture
Photo by General Lee.

  • Where is it: Basilicata, province of Potenza
  • Dimensions: 1326 m
  • Last activity: Upper Pleistocene

The Vulture is an extinct volcano . Today its slopes are entirely covered by dense and luxuriant vegetation, made such by the natural fertility of the soils that develop from volcanic rocks. Here are the two lakes of Monticchio , typical volcanic ones. Extensive and precious chestnut woods are found on this volcano: the Marroncino di Melfi DOP . and the protected denomination of the delicious local chestnuts. In addition, more than 1500 hectares of Aglianico red vine extend in the Monte Vulture area . Aglianico del Vulture is counted among the greatest red wines in Italy. On the slopes there are numerous factories for bottling mineral waterand several inhabited centers, including: Melfi, Rapolla, Barile, Rionero in Vulture and Atella.

2 – Roccamonfina
Twilight photo.

  • Where it is: Campania, province of Caserta
  • Dimensions: 1005 m
  • Last activity: 50,000 years ago

Currently the volcano looks like a large isolated cone between the Aurunci mountains , the plain and valley of the Garigliano river, the massif of Monte Massico, Monte Maggiore and Monte Cesima. The ancient volcanic activity, now ceased for a very long time, continues only with seismic movements and thermal springs of mineral waters . The fertility of the soil has allowed the creation of dense chestnut woods . The volcano is part of the Roccamonfina-Foce Garigliano Regional Park , established in 1999. Various types of minerals have been found around the volcano.

3 – Monti Cimini
Source: wikipedia.

  • Where it is: Lazio
  • Dimensions: 1053 m
  • Last activity: 95,000 years ago

These mountains constitute what remains of the perimeter crown of two volcanic systems : an older one, the Cimino volcano with Monte Cimino, and a more recent one, the Vicano volcano with Monte Fogliano. Today the centuries-old Faggeta Del Monte Cimino covers the summit. Mount Venere today hosts Lake Vico in its caldera , which preserves the typical features of the roughness of the volcanic flanks better than any other lake of this type in Italy.

4 – Monti Volsini

  • Where it is: Lazio, Umbria, Tuscany – provinces of Viterbo, Terni, Grosseto
  • Dimensions: 690 m
  • Last activity: 600,000 years ago

The Volsini Mountains are a hilly chain of volcanic origin that is located around the basin of Lake Bolsena. The Volsini Mountains belonged to the Vulsinio volcanic complexfrom which the lake and the hills themselves were born. As a reminder of that ancient volcanic activity, the Conca di Latera remains, the last remnant of an ancient volcano. Recently it was decided to exploit the last residues of volcanic activity thanks to the construction of some geothermal power plants. One of these should be born on the Alfina plateau and another was built in Latera, but the power plant proves to be counterproductive. Its emissions, rich in sulfur and other acids, caused damage to agriculture and tourism. In 1997, ENEL therefore decided to close the plant and bring the geothermal resources to Monte Amiata.

5 – Monte Amiata
Photo by Larry Ferrante.

  • Where it is: Tuscany – provinces of Grosseto and Siena
  • Dimensions: 1738 m
  • Last activity: 700,000 years ago

It is an ancient volcano, now extinct, with the presence of rocks and lakes of volcanic origin . There are also the sources of the Fiora, Vivo, Albegna and Paglia rivers. The volcanic origins of the mountain massif have maintained seismic activity in the area. Among the various events, to remember the earthquake of 1948 with the epicenter of the mountain area straddling the provinces of Grosseto and Siena. In the Amiata area there are numerous protected areas : the Natural Reserves of Monte Labbro, Pescinello, Bosco dei Rocconi, Poggio all’Olmo, Santissima Trinita, Monte Penna. Here there is also an important wildlife park .

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