The order of the Ministry of Health and Families of the Board that establishes the Covid passport in the hotel industry and leisure spaces, once it has been ratified by the TSJA, will be applied once it is published in the Official Gazette of the Board of Andalusia (BOJA) and will be in force until 00:00 hours on January 15, 2022, as established by the regulation itself, which states that only people who have completed the “complete schedule” of vaccination will be able to access the interior of these premises. or have a negative diagnostic test carried out in the last 72 hours, if it is a PCR, or 48 hours, in the case of an antigen test; or having passed the Covid in the last six months.
The measure states thatAll people over 12 years of age will be able to access the interior space of hospitality, leisure and recreation establishments, “provided they have a certificate issued by the public health service or by an authorized laboratory” that certifies the concurrence of any of the following circumstances:
That they received the complete schedule of a vaccine against Covid-19 for which a marketing authorization was granted, in accordance with Regulation (EC) 726/2004.
That they have a negative diagnostic test carried out in the last 72 hours, in the case of PCR, and 48 hours, in the case of antigen tests. In the case of rapid antigen tests, they must be listed in the common and updated list of rapid antigen tests for Covid-19 established on the basis of Recommendation 2021/C 24/01, of the Council of Europe.
Who recovered from a SARS-COV-2 infection in the last six months. To do this, the person must have been diagnosed as a confirmed case of Covid-19 11 days or more ago, by means of a PCR test, and no other type of test is valid.
On the other hand, the order of the Board indicates that “it will be essential to access the planned establishments” the documentary accreditation“both the identity of the person, and the concurrence of any of the three circumstances provided for in it.”
In any case, the requirement of the Covid passport for access to these premises will not be applicable to those under 12 years of age “to those establishments to which they are not limited due to their classification. Likewise, the application of this measure will not cover the I access people over 12 years of age to establishments to which their access is limited in accordance with current regulations.
The order also regulates that, in order to ensure the “maximum guarantee of privacy and intimacy of people”,The information on the certification together with the document proving your identity, “may only be requested for the purpose of its mere verification or verification. In no case, personal health data will not be kept nor will files be created with them”.
And the staff who have access to them “is obliged to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the personal data to which they access, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data.”
Lastly, the order indicates that an “informative poster for the public will be placed in the establishments“On the necessary nature of this documentation for access to it, as well as on the non-conservation of accredited personal health data.
As for the verification tasks, the rule says that the implementation of the measure and its control “Respect, in any case, the dignity of the person. The verification actions will be the least intrusive and invaded as possible to achieve the objective of protecting public health, trying to minimize the inconvenience or concerns associated with the measure.