Flaxseeds are known as one of the original “superfoods”, and they seem to have earned this title with merit.
These little red-brown seeds are packed with impressive health benefits for our body. Flax seeds are also used for weight loss for those who are overweight, and for weight management in healthy individuals. Including flax seeds in your daily diet is believed to prevent a number of diseases associated with being overweight!
Flax seeds are a type of food crop widely cultivated in the countries of Eurasia and in the Mediterranean regions. They are also known as “linseed” or “common flax”. Flax seeds: how this food helps you lose weight
- Flax seeds: how this food helps you lose weight
- Omega fatty acids
- Lignans
- Fibre
- How flax seeds can be used for weight loss
- In what daily quantity it is possible to take flax seeds
- There are side effects
- People suffering from intestinal diseases
- Patients suffering from scleroderma
- Pregnant women
- Blood pressure
- Allergic reactions
- There are side effects
- Flax seeds interact with medications
- Conclusion
Flax is a fiber rich crop, which is loaded with soluble dietary fiber. When mixed with water or saliva, this agent turns into a sticky, waxy substance, which works as a natural laxative. Flax seeds help to have regular bowel movements, which is very important for a healthy body weight. Not only that, but flaxseed fiber is also known to keep hunger levels in check and reduce food cravings, thus indirectly contributing to the loss of extra pounds.
Along with important nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, flax seeds are also rich in certain agents that affect body mass composition.
Here are the main benefits of taking flax seeds to eliminate abdominal fat and excess weight. Omega fatty acids
The seeds contain about 42% of fats, of which 73% is made up of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-6 and Omega 3 acids. Among these, a particular agent called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is associated with the improvement of blood lipid profiles and metabolic parameters of the body. Lignans
Lignans are chemical compounds found in plants and are powerful antioxidants. They indirectly contribute to weight loss by improving the functioning of fat burning cells. Lignans, when combined with the effects of fiber, are known to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, which is directly linked to obesity and heart health. Fiber
You will be surprised to know that flax seeds contain an incredible 95% dietary fiber. A 2 tablespoon serving of this ingredient can help you meet 15-25% of your daily fiber requirement. This fiber is made up of mucilage gums, cellulose and lignin, which contribute to good gut health and abdominal fat loss.How You Can Use Flax Seeds For Weight Loss
Now that you understand the awesome ways flax seeds can help you lose weight, it’s time to learn how to use them in your daily diet:
Flax seeds they can be taken in several ways: whole seeds, oil, ground paste or toasted powder. Of these forms, whole seeds can take a little longer to digest. They pass out of the tract without being broken down by stomach enzymes and therefore offer little benefit.
Always make sure that the seeds are chewed properly to maximize its properties. By mixing with saliva, the fiber is extracted and circulated.
The best way to eat flax seeds is to grind them coarsely and add them to breakfast cereals or salads.
You can also make a paste out of them and mix them into your smoothies for a better texture and all the benefits they promise.
Roasted seeds can be mixed with spices into an aromatic powder, which can be used to flavor any dish, especially main courses.
Flaxseed oil is also known to be beneficial in weight loss and can be added to salads or soups. However, it does not contain fiber and may not be as effective as the seed itself. In what daily quantity it is possible to take flax seeds
Experts recommend eating 2 tablespoons of flaxseed per day. Individuals who are overweight or have bad cholesterol levels can take up to 5 tablespoons a day. However, it is advisable to contact a nutritionist or an experienced doctor regarding this limit, to have more precise indications also based on your body type and your needs.
Flaxseed can definitely help you reach your weight loss goals, but you must remember that it is not a magical ingredient. This alone isn’t enough to reduce your body mass or fat levels.
Flax must be combined with a healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle to experience significant improvement.
You can also contact your doctor to ask about flaxseed supplements such as tablets and pills, for faster results. There are side effects
People with certain diseases should not take flaxseed. Let’s see which ones. People with intestinal diseases
Those who have intestinal problems should avoid taking flaxseed. If people with such diseases consume flaxseed oil, it can increase their bowel movements. Not only that, but it can also lead to diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. So it is best for people to stay away from flax seeds if they have intestinal problems. Patients suffering from scleroderma
It is a long-lasting disease that affects the skin, tissues and internal organs. This disease affects the lungs and kidneys. Taking flaxseed or consuming too much flaxseed oil without any liquid can lead to intestinal blockage. This can be very dangerous for patients suffering from scleroderma. Pregnant
women Women who are trying to conceive should avoid taking flax seeds.
Flax seeds can actually induce menstruation as they affect estrogen levels in the body. Women who take flaxseed can have problems conceiving and may not be able to conceive even after trying for a long time. Therefore, expectant mothers should be aware of what they are eating. Blood Pressure
Well, it’s true that it helps lower blood pressure, but it doesn’t seem to coexist well with other supplements. Taking medications along with flaxseed can have negative effects on your health. Allergic reactions
There are chances that eating flaxseed can cause allergies in some people. But this happens especially when they are consumed in excessive quantities. So it is a kind of side effect that occurs on the body. These allergy sufferers may experience swelling, redness, hives, vomiting, itching and nausea if very generous doses are ingested. Flaxseeds Interact With Medicines
Our nutrition expert tells us that flaxseeds can react to certain medications in an adverse way. Flax seeds interfere with the absorption of drugs in the body, which reduces the effect of the medicine and has several side effects. The side effects depend on the type of medication you have taken.
According to experts, you shouldn’t take flaxseed if you are taking these medications or supplements:
- Blood thinners;
- Aspirin;
- Anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Insulin;
- Medicines that alter estrogen levels;
- Constipation medications;
- Medicines that lower blood pressure.
Flax seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and can have a beneficial effect on people of all ages. But it does have some drawbacks: They can’t be taken alongside some supplements and medications, as we’ve seen.
In fact, people with certain diseases should not consume flaxseed or flaxseed oil as they can have adverse health effects. It reduces the effect of medications and can also block the digestive passage which can cause many health problems. It can have a greater effect on people with diarrhea, scleroderma and circulation problems. It can also have an effect on women who are trying to conceive. So it is important to consult your doctor before taking flax seeds if you suffer from any specific pathology.