Maundy Thursday
The photos of the landing of the Legion in Malaga
The photos of the landing of the Legion in Malaga
Javier Albinana
Full in the port from early morning this Holy Thursday. The historic center of the city is blocked when the Legion takes to the streets every Holy Week in Malaga. Thousands of people, locals and tourists, crowd the surroundings of Santo Domingo and the banks of the Guadalmedina after the landing of the Legion in Malaga..
Holy Thursday | Transfer of the Christ of the Good Death
Legionnaires carry the Christ of Mena in the rain.
The rain did not want more emotions
Jose Luis Perez
The transfer of the Cristo de la Buena Muerte was done directly by rainfall.
Holy Thursday in Malaga
Video of the Legion singing to the Christ of the Good Death in Malaga
Video of the Legion in the transfer of the Christ of the Good Death
Jose Luis Perez
The legionnaires move the Christ of Mena in the rain.
Holy Thursday | Landing of the Legion
Landing of the Legion this Holy Thursday in Malaga.
And Furor opened the skies
Pablo Bujalance
The landing of the Legion at Pier 2 to the sound of ‘The Groom of Death’ captive in Malaga to a crowd from everywhere.
Easter 2019
Video of the landing of the Legion during Holy Week in Malaga
The Legion lands in Malaga
Despite the rain, the Christ of Mena has left on the shoulders of the legionnaires on the Esplanade of Santo Domingo, although the act has been shortened by the showers .
Holy Week
Mediatrix’s photos of Holy Wednesday in Malaga
Photos of Holy Wednesday in Malaga
Javier Albinana · LM Gomez Pozo · Jesus Merida
The threat of rain truncated the good rhythm of Holy Week in Malaga and left four of the seven brotherhoods of Holy Wednesday without making their processional route. Salesianos completed their journey from Capuchinos and Mediatrix took refuge in the brotherhood house of Students due to fear of the expected rainfall. El Rico went down to the Plaza del Obispo to carry out the traditional act of liberating the prisoner and returned to his Calle Victoria. Merged, La Paloma, La Sangre and Expiracion opened their temples to receive the faithful in this lackluster day.
Chronicle Wednesday Santa Malaga 2019
Father Jesus Nazarene under the invocation of El Rico in Cortina del Muelle
Black sky of uncertainty
Cristina Fernandez
The threat of rain diverted the gaze from the fences, the stands and the problems of the route to put it in the decision of the brotherhoods of Holy Wednesday. Salesianos, Mediadora and El Rico were the three brotherhoods that left on a sad day in which four others remained in their temples.
Processions of Holy Wednesday 2019 in Malaga
Departure of Salesians.
The heart could not beat the rain
Pablo Merino · Juan A. Romera Fadon · Jose Luis Perez
Only Salesianos was able to complete the entire tour. El Rico celebrated the act of liberation and Mediadora locked herself in Estudiantes.
Holy Wednesday in Velez-Malaga
The Christ of Medinaceli and Maria Magdalena held the meeting in the Plaza de la Constitucion and returned to the church of San Juan.
Velez-Malaga cut time to the rain
Mayte Cortes
The first drops fell with the Judgment in the tribune of the poor.
Holy Wednesday in Antequera
The surroundings of the church of San Sebastian were filled with the public.
The Legion continues to arouse passions
Javier Flores
The military unit accompanied the brotherhood of Mayor Dolor since morning.