Facts, names, declarations and parallel convergences between pro-Conte exponents struggling with the nascent Together party
What is said among exponents of the nascent pro-Conte party
Here are names, declarations, parallel convergences (or true splits
) and program outline.
“The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte cannot call a party of him Together, because that party already exists and has already completed all the registration procedures in the party register of the Chamber of Deputies by depositing its statute”. It was lapidary two days ago by Ivo Tarolli, between 1996 and 2006 he was a Udc senator, for the newspaper Il Tempo.
“Together” belongs to Tarolli who is its founder with Stefano Zamagni (pictured) and other Catholic exponents, not only former DCs, and many former CISL leaders such as Raffaele Bonanni: “” It is a serious project “, said Tarolli – always close to the former governor of the Bank of Italy, Antonio Fazio – in the newspaper Il Tempo directed by Franco Bechis.
“A project built for a long time, which is gathering in every Region the best of the ruling class among entrepreneurs, universities, the judiciary, the lawyer and the Catholic world – according to Tarolli – For months we have been using that symbol in conferences and press releases and in legal terms this is a pre-use. On the other hand, these di Conte are carrying out an operation that has only chameleonism and this is not our project, we would let them ride us to make them exploit our Christian inspiration ”.
Yet just today a non-secondary bishop indicated precisely in the Together movement and the economist Stefano Zamagni the founding nucleus of a pro-Conte party: «I believe it is possible (re) to create a party of Catholic-democratic inspiration. Perhaps studying it with the promoters of “Insieme”, the new party of which Stefano Zamagni is a member of the committee of guarantors, ”said Monsignor Giancarlo Bregantini, archbishop of Campobasso-Bojano to the newspaper La Stampa.
So Tarolli and Zamagni are on different positions or – as it seems more likely – it is just a game of parties or rather parallel convergences pro Conte in the name of a certain anti-hydragicism. HERE IS THE PROGRAM TOGETHER:
Outline of guidelines for the program to build OBJECTIVES together
The drafting of the program is a founding and strategic process at the same time, it defines identity and belonging, becoming the main channel of participation and the engine of aggregation, consensus and growth of the Movement; it also constitutes the most effective and transparent distinction for defining alliances. Indeed, we intend to “go beyond” the ancient ideologies of the past, the shackles of modernism and postmodernism, rejecting the fatal effects of liberalism and hyper-capitalism and collaborating with all Christians and men of good will who recognize themselves in the principles of Social Doctrine of the Church.
The need to recover the planning capacity of Catholics engaged in politics is one of the main reasons for creating a New Political Subject.
In fact, the diaspora allowed the presence in politics only of individual Catholics who, however – found themselves isolated in their respective camps, little more than hostages divided if not opposed to each other – were unable to influence, managing at most to play some interdicting role, in scarce truth, but almost never performative.
In fact, the inalienable values constitute the foundations on which the very meaning of civil life rests, the presuppositions of the social pact, the foundations of the institutions, the very raison d’etre of the State which recognizes them as such and implements them in its organization and action in Subsidiarity and Solidarity.
For these reasons it is considered necessary to define a programmatic platform of the Association by identifying also within it the priority themes as identifying, qualifying, and particularly urgent. PRIORITY THEMES
Centrality of the family both from the point of view of the educational dimension and within the framework of social, economic and fiscal policy, as the first seat of protection of the person, a constitutive element of society and a factor of cultural, social and economic development. The person, and therefore the family, pre-exist the institutions that legitimize themselves as instruments of protection and development of the same, according to the principles of responsibility, subsidiarity and solidarity. It is therefore necessary to bring the family back to the center of the educational process. The family’s tax premium must also constitute a priority programmatic point to prevent more and more families from falling into poverty. Indigence whose correlated measures are equally urgent but distinct policies to combat poverty.
a) paragraph 128 Laudato si: “helping the poor with money must always be a temporary remedy for dealing with emergencies. The real goal should always be to allow them a dignified life through work ”. Roosevelt said: “paid work, not unemployment benefit. I do not want “- he said -” to administer “narcotics, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit” (see http://www.anpgf.eu/
p = 591)
b) An Alliance for work and for the family with a Maneuver shock 25 billion euro of which:
10 billion intended to incentivize employment with reliefs aimed at reducing the tax wedge financially covered by a transitory solidarity contribution on income brackets higher than those affected by the 80 euro bonus;
10 billion for 400,000 targeted recruitments in strategic sectors including public administrations (eliminating hospital queues, clearing civil cases and backward trials, strengthening public safety, strengthening tutoring and support in schools; ensuring a future in Italy for the best researchers; creating greater controls on seismic risks and hydrogeological, etc.) financially covered by reconsidering the bonus of 80 euros;
5 billion deriving from higher tax revenues originating from the wages of the new employees referred to in points a) and b) destined for family tax incentives.
c) New employment generated by relaunching public and private investments referred to in point 4 below.
Immigration, integration and development cooperation policy:
a) Restoring the distinction between the rights of the person (of all) and the rights of the citizen;
b) Identification of a citizen’s duty charter (introduction of the compulsory citizenship service, lasting three / six months, which could be civilian or military) associated with specific rights (score for competitions, access to social housing and social services );
c) Focus on the protection of the right not to emigrate the strategic objectives of the national and European development cooperation policy: “we bring work to Africa”
d) More incisive intervention on the following European policies:
Reform of the Dublin Protocol on the reception of refugees (i.e. overcoming the principle that refugees must be hosted in the country of first reception);
Strengthening of the European border and coast guard accompanied by rules inspired by more stringent solidarity between the EU Member States on the sharing of reception costs;
Full-scale development of official channels of privileged access (streamlining of procedures and reducing related costs) to immigrants in the EU through the European representations in the countries of origin
5. Reform of European economic governance for a Finance that respects the principles of Ethics
a) Introduce the goal of full employment among the objectives of the ECB and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), as currently foreseen in the Statute of the United States Fed
b) Provide for the control of the European Parliament over all major decisions in the economic and financial policy area including the implementation of the Fiscal Compact
c) Provide European economic and financial policy with a true budgetary policy aimed at addressing asymmetric shocks and supporting growth and employment financed through own resources with concrete interventions EU tax, such as a tax on international financial transactions and on online trading
d) Restore the distinction between commercial banks and investment banks and introduce restrictive constraints on futures transactions
e) Introduce, alongside the current sanctions for deficit countries, other sanctions for those countries that do not respect other macroeconomic equilibrium parameters such as excessive surpluses in the trade balance
f) Limitations on derivatives
g) Stricter European antitrust rules in financial matters
h) Review of financial supervision policies compared to the current division between European and national bodies, bringing supervision back to national level OTHER PROJECT TOPICS
Relaunch Investments:
a) Public investments:
seismic upgrading of schools, other institutions and infrastructures;
land management and hydrogeological interventions;
extraordinary maintenance, adaptation and development of networks: water, transport, energy and communications;
relaunching economic and social housing programs for the family;
modernization and development of school, health and prison buildings and reuse and rationalization of existing public structures.
b) Private investments:
tax incentives for seismic, hydrogeological and energy efficiency adaptation of private buildings;
bureaucratic simplification and connection between urban planning regulations and those on seismic and hydrogeological adaptation;
Rationalization of incentives for businesses (industry, agriculture, tourism, crafts, etc.) aimed at technological innovation and a more effective use of EU co-financing;
Tax incentives for setting up family businesses;
Specific proposals regarding the protection of competition and support for SMEs and crafts. REFORM OF THE PA
a) Separate the appointment of managers from political discretion,
b) Introduce productivity parameters on the basis of which to evaluate managers and other employees,
c) Apply the principle of standard costs,
d) Introduce principles of proportionality between staff and population and / or territory,
e) Rationalize public subsidiaries and re-absorption,
f) Spending review aimed not at cutting spending but at its rationalization by allocating waste elimination to cover priority or deficit sectors;
g) Targeted hiring based on the savings made available by the suspension / suppression of the 80 euro bonus in strategic sectors such as streamlining healthcare waiting lists, accelerating the disposal of processes and civil cases, infrastructure safety, public and private and hydrogeological construction, crowding of prisons, anti-terrorism, public order , civil protection and fire prevention, etc; centralization of some services (IT, purchases, etc. also within sectors of regional legislative competence such as the health system). JUSTICE
For us, the culture of legality constitutes a priority value and programmatic factor.
The Judicial System plays an essential role in implementing legal certainty and determining the proper functioning of a nation.
a) Decongestion of the Courts
Encourage the signing of legal protection policies to cover the costs of the trial.
Introduce a new and serious discipline of mediation and ADR (Alternative dispute resolution). Through the use of Adr procedures (direct negotiation)
Increase of productivity through:
– The rationalization of resources
– The introduction of “managerialized” justice
– quota effects of the 400,000 recruitments (e.g. 40,000 chancellors) in the justice sector to clear up arrears,
b) Pursuit of legal certainty through the study of suitable interventions,
c) Construction of prisons and related staff strengthening,
d) Organization and rules of governance of justice
In order to preserve the constitutional values of autonomy of the judge, his independence and subordination to the law alone, it is necessary to refer exclusively to – and increasingly qualify – the “professional judge”, selected by competition and retained in the judicial order.
The protection of the judicial order must be guaranteed by a reformed CSM, where the currents of judicial associations no longer have connotations of political parallelism, which could be the lymph of thought and inspiration in the associative offices. This result must be achieved, under current conditions, by modifying the composition of the CSM reserving it only to togates drawn by lot, after indications received from the members of the order, with the exclusion of any presence of lay / political members.
Review the current legislation for the part of the discipline of career advancement in order to ensure that there can be no substantive objections to the decisions of the magistrate, detrimental to independence, and the appointment of men of undisputed validity to the top of the offices can be guaranteed.
Abolition of judicial councils, bearing the same partition vices as the current CSM, and instead creation of consultative bodies within the various judicial offices. These components will also be designated by lot.
The distinction of the careers of the judge and the magistrate must not undermine the unity of the Order.
Priority for the effective effectiveness and impartiality of the criminal jurisdiction and the strict application of the provisions of the Constitution, for the direct provision of the pg by the magistrate.
The acceleration of criminal trials can be guaranteed with the suspension of the statute of limitations after the indictment, thus avoiding the current abuse of the right of defense.
In civil matters, reckless actions and grossly illegal contractual and extra-contractual behaviors must find adequate dissuasive sanctions. PROPOSALS ON AGRICULTURE AND AGROINDUSTRY
a) Regain competitiveness through a better organization of the sector by containing production costs;
b) Increase the company size by extending the agricultural pre-emption also to the IAP with the same legislation applied to direct farmers;
c) Tax settlement with reference to the purchase of land, agricultural fuel, the VAT system and inheritance in agriculture;
d) Encourage research and innovation in agriculture;
e) Review the work regulations with particular reference to: Safety and Training;
f) Confirmation of the legislative framework for renting law 203/81 making the pact in derogation in agriculture art.45 L.203/81 enforceable title in order to eliminate unnecessary and long disputes at the expiry of the leases;
g) Support and promote credit consortia for access to subsidized credit;
h) Simplify the calls for PSR (Rural Support Plan) which allow access to European funding. HEALTHCARE
The healthcare governance and management process must see doctors more involved, truly competent and primarily responsible for providing the Service
Additional specific interventions in the field of health:
a) eliminate queues through new hires,
b) reduce expenses, through effective application of standard costs,
c) invest in healthcare construction and recover underutilized assets, including machinery “forgotten” in warehouses
d) rationalization of structures and staff SUPPORT TO THE THIRD SECTOR
a) Commitment to building places for discussion by making greater use of the current ones with the aim of creating, also with the administration, an open and collaborative dialogue favoring greater coordination of the realities operating in the territory;
b) Commitment to enhance the subsidiarity principle to give impetus to the self-organization of citizens, increasing participation in political life by the entire social body, allowing people to really interact with those who administer them;
c) Commitment to strengthen a more supportive economy by trying to network the industrial entrepreneurial world and the third sector to build together a different vision of the future, which not only looks at immediate income, but which knows how to affect the territory through new housing policies more suited to emerging needs;
d) Commitment to a policy in favor of the family, an increase in nursery schools, support policies for younger and larger families;
e) Commitment to implement services for elderly people, those with disabilities and disabled people with the awareness that the many associations that already operate in the area in these sectors are available to collaborate with the administration; indeed very often they complain about the inaction of the public body despite the fundamental service they perform;
f) Commitment to activate targeted and effective social and cultural inclusion policies in collaboration with the main players present in the area: universities, associations, non-profit world. OTHER TOPICS TO DEEPEN
We consider it a priority to deepen and develop a project that values the person more generally in the light of the Christian anthropological vision, as well as to intervene on aspects such as:
Proposals in the field of foreign and security policy
Proposals in the field of education and professional training
Proposals in the field of research and university
Proposals on culture, tourism and enhancement of cultural heritage as a fundamental resource of the country
Proposals on environmental protection and renewable sources APPEAL
To achieve the aforementioned objectives we intend to found, with many other friends who like us feel the responsibility dictated by urgency, a New Political Subject of clear Christian inspiration and we therefore make an appeal so that:
- Catholics return to the commitment to serve politics with many other people of good will who are inspired by integral, competent and honest humanism who live in our country and in Europe;
- Catholics rediscover the commitment to Implement the Constitution of the Italian Republic, to give substance to Popular Sovereignty in Italy and in Europe, to contribute to satisfying the needs of families, of destitute people, to work for social equity, for development integral of every person and every community.
- Catholics rediscover the commitment to a great social, cultural, economic and political project, with sustainable programs for the building of the common good and which are consistent with the ethical values proper to the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.