A modern, digital anti-tank ready to protect the Italian military engaged in operations. The first complete example of the new “Centauro 2” bus was presented today to the Army Chief of Staff, Salvatore Farina . The general went to the Iveco Defense Vehicles (Idv) plant in Bolzano, where the new combat platforms will be produced. Together with General Farina, the director of the land armaments, Paolo Giovannini , welcomed by the managing director of IDV, Claudio Catalano . The new means will feed the maneuvering units of the Army line cavalry. During the visit, the situation on the production trend was made. CENTAURO 2
Compared to the previous version, the new Centauro 2 represents an exceptional step forward in terms of firepower, ability to observe the battlefield, mobility, conduct of shooting, communication as well as the guarantee of greater protection of the crew. Equipped with modern systems, the new platform makes use of an entirely digital architecture and a new generation tower with a 120mm gun and communication, command and control systems that make it “one of the most modern means provided to armies Westerners “. The result is an innovative armored vehicle, capable of operating in any scenario: from missions to defend national security, to support and peacekeeping operations to any high-level operational theater in which the Army will be called to intervene.NOT ONLY CENTAURO
During the visit of General Farina, the medium armored vehicle (Vbm) “Terrestrial tactical command post” was also presented, which consists of a combination based on a “Command core” post and a “Tactical core” post. . These platforms are equipped with the most recent communication devices that integrate perfectly into the net-centric network of the Armed Forces and Defense. With these means, the Italian Army continues its broader project of rationalization and long-term capacity development, with a process of technological transformation that continues to involve the entire national production system. PUTTING ON LINE
As regards the introduction into service of the new armored vehicles, the Land Armaments Directorate (Dat) and the Iveco Consortium – Oto Melara (Cio) signed a contract last December for the supply of 86 “Blindo Centauro 2” systems, with an option for a further ten platforms, in addition to the ten already contracted in 2018. This acquisition aims to meet a total requirement of the Italian Army for 150 vehicles and is part of the activities planned by the Army Staff aimed at providing the Cavalry regiments of the line with a platform that, incorporating the most recent technological innovations, can be used, with maximum safety, even in operational theaters characterized by a high level of threat. THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE
The Centauro program returned to Parliament in November last year with a specific scheme of ministerial decree, in the face of the need demonstrated by the Army of the need for at least 150 vehicles, the minimum to be able to deal with operational scenarios of increasing complexity. The draft decree approved by the parliamentary committees refers to the second phase of the program, after the first one approved in 2016 for fifty machines, worth 530 million euros. However, at that same stage, the contract signed two years later only covered ten vehicles. The second phase now includes one hundred new vehicles and the cost adjustment of the forty of the first phase, for which various technological improvements have been introduced. COSTS
Overall, according to the decree scheme, the second phase will be worth 1.47 billion euros, of which 789 are currently covered by the Mise, which will be added to the 371 allocated for phase one. This coverage by Economic Development will enable the procurement of 63 new Centauro 2s complete with logistical support services. An additional 681 million will then be needed for the subsequent tranches of 55 vehicles, so as to allow the full operation of all the cavalry regiments of the Army. Despite the large number of machines required, the excessive dilution of the program over time remains evident. For now, the appropriations made available by the Ministry of Economic Development foreseen in the new ministerial scheme refer, in fact, to the period 2023-2030.

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