The article by Tino Oldani
Macron and the divisions that broke out within French Freemasonry. Here is an interesting point of view for understanding Emmanuel Macron’s abrupt descent, both in France and in Europe.
The author and Giulio Sapelli, an expert in geopolitics, a life spent between university teaching and business, now an associate researcher at the Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation. Interviewed by Business Insider Italy, while Macron is visiting the United States, where he was welcomed by Donald Trump with all honors, Sapelli takes stock of various unresolved issues in world politics, ranging from China to Brexit, and then focuses above all on European issues, summarized in the title: “The France-Germany axis does not exist, and Europe is barbaric due to German domination”.
The most intriguing analysis concerns France and Macron’s work. “It is wrong to say that there is a Franco-German axis in Europe,” says Sapelli. “There is a German domination, to which and against which France, which is the political heart of Europe, stands up with great contradictions within it. The fact that 24 million French do not vote, but only 22 million vote, does not mean that there is a division of the French people, but a profound division in the establishment ».
Which division it is, pressed by the interviewer Edoardo Toffoletto, Sapelli explains it starting from a personal reference: «I subscribed to the En Marche newsletter! (Macron’s party; ed). The thing that interested me most was that, when he was doing electoral propaganda, he also put his speeches in the lodges of the Grand Orient of France, which, however, harshly criticized him for being too much of a right-wing liberal. French Freemasonry is known for its socialist tendencies: in fact, on May 1st, Freemasons parade behind Force Ouvriere (third French trade union) in Paris. Together with America, France is the only country where Freemasonry is in solidarity with the trade union. I am therefore convinced that Macron expresses a part of French power, linked to other more conservative Masonic circuits,
At this point I could not help but go and reread an interview released just a year ago (23 April 2017) by Jacques Attali, 74, economist and former adviser to Francois Mitterrand, who, immediately after the victory in the first round of the French presidential elections of his political student, he proudly told the Corriere della Sera: “I discovered Macron, and now I will reveal to you how he will govern.” Attali, like most of the leading French politicians, has never made a secret of his Masonic affiliation. He is said to be an “oligarchic supermasson” of international level, and Gioele Magaldi, author of a documented essay on the 36 super lodges (Ur-Lodges) to which numerous world-class political leaders are affiliated, reveals that Attali and affiliate to the reactionary international super-house “Three Eyes”,
Bipartisan political scientist, after having collaborated with the socialist Mitterrand, Attali had a leading role in 2010 also alongside the then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, for whom he prepared the report “Liberating the economy”, making use of the collaboration of Macron , who was then a young and promising graduate of ENA, the school of the French high bureaucracy. An enfant prodige, for whom Attali paved the way for a dazzling career: in fact, when the socialist Francois Hollande took over from Sarkozy, one of his first moves, suggested by Attali, was to appoint Macron as economic adviser to the Elysée , and then Minister of the Economy. A public role that did not stop Macron from becoming a brilliant and wealthy Rothschild financier as well,
In his first year in office, it is my opinion that Macron tried to put into practice the policy suggested by his mentor, especially in Europe. In other words, a turnaround in the Keynesian and Roosveltian sense of EU economic policy, to put an end to rigor and austerity. Up to clash with Angela Merkel’s Germany, inflexible on these points. It is surprising that a similar line was suggested to him by Attali, who was, at his time, one of the material writers of the rules of the single European currency, starting with the strictest ones, including the legal impossibility of exiting the euro. . «What do they think, that we created the euro for the happiness of the European mob
“, He said then, as a tough oligarch Mason. But over time, faced with the wave of Euroscepticism which, from election to election, has swelled the sails of the so-called populist parties in various EU countries, including Attali and an important part of the French Freemasonry have changed their minds, to the point of clashing with Germany. And Hollande, who was supposed to interpret his warrant and didn’t, was quickly shelved.
Now the overcoming of austerity in Europe has become a sort of “hic Rhodus, hic salta” for Macron. A game that sees him in great difficulty, in fact already a loser in the tug-of-war with Germany. However, he still has the home front, where he has launched a program of radical reforms at 360 degrees (bureaucracy, school, labor flexibility, taxes, civil rights), to the point of discontenting entire sectors of society, which with strikes and demonstrations are blocking France. Not only. For Sapelli, even a part of French Freemasonry is dissatisfied with Macron: “How do you go against, as he is doing, the French official
This cannot be consistent with an elitist vision of power such as the Masonic one. French officials are not only the axis of the Republic, but of French power ». In short, one own goal after another. Masked so far by a frenetic international activism (including the bombs on Syria), coaxed by the media. Until when
(article published in Italia Oggi)