
  • Having little sex can lead to erectile deficit
  • Sex and erectile dysfunction: what the link is
  • Because having little sex increases the risk of erectile deficit
  • You also have erectile dysfunction problems
  • The role of spontaneous erections
  • Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
    • Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for reptile erection problems

Having little sex can lead to erectile deficit Having
little sex has consequences on human health. sexual activity can lead to erectile dysfunction . Sex and erectile dysfunction: what’s the link
The study, published in the American Journal of Medicine, examined a sample of 989 Finnish men between the ages of 55 and 75, who were asked to answer two questionnaires. The analysis took place over a period of five years. At the beginning of the study, only men who did not manifest erectile deficit were examined , five years after sending the first questionnaire a second was sent which led to interesting results: men who had manifested erectile deficit had reported having less sex than other men with normal sexual function.
The likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction was doubled in men who admitted having had little sexual intercourse, i.e. less than one per week. The scenario of men who said they had at least three intercourse a week on average was different: in this sample there was only a quarter of the odds of having erectile dysfunction. Why having little sex increases the risk of erectile deficit
The conclusions of the study are that having little sex increases the risk of erectile deficit . Like physical exercise with functional capacity, regular sexual activity is helpful in preserving sexual potency . In particular,Having sex helps protect the nerve fibers and blood vessels responsible for erectile function and prevent fibrosis of the erectile tissue of the corpora cavernosa of the penis.
The key seems to be erections, regardless of whether they are accompanied by sexual activity or not. Several experts in sexual medicine claim that having erections, even not associated with intercourse, helps to preserve male sexual function. Self-eroticism and masturbation, too, could presumably have the same salutary effect on erectile dysfunction on par with intercourse. [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]

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Talking to an andrologist may be much easier than you think. Contact Dr. Francesco De Luca, also via Whatsapp and request an appointment immediately.

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Il ruolo delle erezioni spontanee
With a few exceptions, every man has several spontaneous erections while sleeping. So, even in the absence of sexual activity, most men activate a modicum of protection against erectile dysfunction simply by having spontaneous nocturnal erections.
The same study found that men who have less than one morning erection per week are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than men who have two or three morning erections per week. However, morning erections do not greatly reduce the risk of erectile deficiency, as sexual activity can.
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Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
Make an appointment with Dr. Francesco De Luca for an andrological examination for reptilian erection problems. Choosing to rely on his skills means that you will have the certainty of quality services and highly professional medical advice. Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for reptile erection problems
Book now a consultation visit with the surgeon specialized in Uro-Andrology for all your types of ailments. For any necessary information, Dr. De Luca will be at your complete disposal.

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