The dog is called man’s best friend. It is because it is
said that love for its owner is unconditional and is a true and faithful
companion. But apparently the dog is more than a friend: it is a kind of
cure-all, or elixir of life. We don’t say it, but a review of
several scientific studies that have suggested how owning a dog is
good for your health. A dog extends its life
To clarify the question of whether owning a dog can be a good choice, and to report what are the findings on the matter and the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo), which has published the result on its website an in-depth study on the matter. If we already knew that our 4-legged friends are a kind of “medicine” used by means of that technique called “For Therapy”, now it turns out that owning a dog leads to a healthier lifestyle and more time outdoors. The study on dogs
Fnomceo doctors refer to a study that appeared in Circulation – the journal of the American Heart Association (AHA) – which states that a dog could actually make us live longer. This is a review study that has analyzed and sifted through nearly 70 years of global research on the subject. The studies under the lens of experts were published between 1950 and May 2019. In all, nearly 4 million people were involved in different countries: the United States, Canada, Scandinavia, New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. Dog reduces mortality
“Dog ownership is associated with a 24%
reduction in all-cause mortality,” says Dr. Caroline Kramer,
endocrinologist and lead author of the research. But the results are
surprising when it comes to specific diseases: for example, the reduction
in mortality increases to 31% in those who have been affected by
vascular diseases. A dog improves the lifestyle
According to a panel of Swedish experts, much of the health benefits and benefits and increased longevity are due to a healthier and more active lifestyle, which would promote the dog. In fact, especially those who live alone, having to take care of their four-legged friend must take him out and do some movement – which perhaps otherwise he would not do. On average, according to the AHA, dog owners do an average of 30 minutes more physical activity per day than those without pets to take for a walk. “There are studies that suggest that people who own dogs have a better cholesterol profile and a reduction in blood pressure – emphasizes Dr. Kramer – And petting a dog can reduce blood pressure as much as a drug.” In the end, let’s not forget how other studies have suggested how having a dog reduces anxiety, stress and even depression. In short, here is one or more good reasons to own a dog.SEE ALSO: The foods you should never give to your dog: you risk serious heart problems.

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