We do not know what 2022 will be like, but some songs can help to wish good. There are several international authors who have dedicated their songs to the arrival of the new year. But, Happy New Year by Jovanotti seems to us to be one of the most direct and apt. Actually it is not one of the less famous songs by Lorenzo Cherubini, aka Jovanotti. It is not part of the great successes that have allowed the singer to be known and loved. It cannot be considered a masterpiece. But, what we certainly like is the most immediate one dedicated to the New Year. Greetings from Jovanotti, a hymn to lightness
Jovanotti’s song is a song published by the same author in 1999 and is part of the Capo Horn album (1999).
Happy New Year brother, happy new year indeed and I hope
it is beautiful and beautiful and light
Thus begins the text by Lorenzo Cherubini. A clear and direct message that we share for the simplicity of the content. It would be wonderful if the next 2022 would be beautiful and light, as sung by Jovanotti. Lightness is a virtue, it is a poetic, philosophical concept based on positivity. Lightness is a way of understanding life. This must be lived in a simple way, trying to grasp what the journey offers and gives. Lightness is always finding light, even when everything around appears dark, shady. Lightness and the absolute pursuit of good humor are part of lightness. Jovanotti’s words, a tribute to true love
The final lines of Jovanotti’s song are a hymn to true love.
I wish you love tons of love
buildings neighborhoods countries of love
planets of love universes of love
moments minutes days of love
I wish you a year of love my brother
the love of the world and that of God.
What is more magical than wishing LOVE for the arrival of the new year. It sounds trivial but it is what everyone needs. The magic of love is expressed in these few rhymes which in their simplicity are able to get the message straight to the heart. Love is the most important feeling. Jovanotti uses the word brother, but it could be sister, where brother and sister do not mean only the blood bond, but the whole of Humanity. A message of peace and hope that of Jovanotti constructed with simplicity, in the typical style of the author. The word brother is still used today in youth slang and among clearer friends. Strongly claim an affective belonging. Happy New Year – Jovanotti
Happy New Year brother. Happy New Year indeed and I hope
it is beautiful it is beautiful and light
that you fly on the thread of your desires
bring you deep moments and the mysteries
remain sweet mysteries
that nothing changes yesterday’s events
I wish you peace laughter and fatigue
find flowers in the nettle fields
I wish you travel to distant countries
jobs to do with your hands
and children who grow up and then go away
attracted by the face of the fantasy
happy new year brother happy new year to your eyes
to the hands to the arms to the calves to the knees
happy new year to your feet to the spine
to the skin behind your big ideal
happy new year brother happy new year really …
that you bring confusion and busted projects
and fruit and sandwiches to your hungry dreams
you bring miles and reddened cheeks
blue sunrises and sunsets of beautiful days
and green traffic lights and prudence and courage
and an april fool and a may party
happy new year to your moon happy new year to your
good sun year to your ears and to my words
happy new year to all the blood that flows in your veins
and that when it beats in time it says everything will be fine
happy new year brother and do not bullshit
the pains go away as they were born
I wish you love tons of love
palaces neighborhoods countries of love
planets of love universes of love
moments minutes days of love
I wish you a year of love my brother
the love of the world and that of God.