What are the most common causes of hallucination

disturbances Hallucinations can arise when good sleep hygiene rules are not respected for several consecutive days, therefore when the hours of sleep are limited or interspersed with numerous awakenings during the night hours .
There are two phenomena of hallucinations related to sleep that are quite common, and that for better or worse anyone has had the opportunity to experience in the course of life. Hallucinations that occur when you fall asleep or wake up, that is, when the waking part and the oneiric part (linked to the dream) alternate and merge:

  • Hypnagogic hallucinations: these occur during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. The sensation of falling or emptiness that makes you jump suddenly is common;
  • Hypnopompic hallucinations: occurs upon awakening, therefore during the transition from sleep to wakefulness, a moment in which dreams and reality can become confused.

Alcohol, drugs and medication intake
Some of the substances belonging to these categories can interfere with the cerebral centers of the sensitive cortex, generating hallucinations and illusions.

Febrile rises above 39 degrees can have a deleterious effect on the structures of the central nervous system, generating real hallucinations and delusions. In these cases it is necessary to lower the body temperature of the subject as soon as possible, in order to avoid permanent and irreversible damage.

Psychiatric pathology capable of seriously compromising the quality of life of those affected, preventing most of them from obtaining educational qualifications, undertaking careers of responsibility, becoming independent from an economic point of view and establishing emotional relationships.
A schizophrenic subject suffers from a detachment from reality, such that he is unable to distinguish between what is produced by his mind and reality, fails to place himself in time and space and fails to grasp the logical sequence and temporal of the world around him.
The symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, mainly of an auditory nature, in which typically the subject perceives one or more voices that comment, speak and suggest actions, which could have a positive content, that is of help for themselves or for others, but also a negative meaning, pushing the subject to carry out actions contrary to his own or to the physical safety of others.
It is a very difficult pathology to treat, both because of its complexity and because of the patient’s lack of cooperation.

Alzheimer’s disease
This disease is the main cause of neurodegenerative dementia in which, through instrumental diagnostic investigations, it is possible to ascertain a state of cortical atrophy, therefore the brain which has a shriveled appearance and interspersed with large cerebral furrows.
It is a multifactorial pathology, at the base of which several factors are identified, therefore age, familiarity with the disease, trauma, genetic mutations, low school level, sedentary, oxidative stress and immune reactions with deposition of amyloid substance.
The patient with Alzheimer’s shows difficulties related to memory of a worsening nature, loss of cognitive abilities, both spatial and temporal disorientation, hallucinations, agitation, delusions , anguish, language impoverishment, progressive loss of the ability to provide for oneself in daily actions (eating alone, washing, problems with walking and motor coordination).

Parkinson’s disease
Disease that everyone identifies for the presence of continuous tremors, limitations in movements and muscle weakness. In the most advanced stages of the disease, a picture of dementia occurs due to the accumulation of neurotoxic substances that take the name of Lewy bodies, in which the subject suffers from mostly visual hallucinations that occur after sunset, or in any case in conditions of weak and soft light.

Brain tumor
In these cases the growth of the tumor mass can easily compress the brain structures, and depending on the region of the compressed cortex , olfactory, auditory, and tactile hallucinations are generated.
On the next page we will deal with analyzing what are the most suitable behaviors to adopt in case of hallucination and what is recommended to do.
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