While in the past the pulsed light treatment could only be carried out in specialized beauty centers, now on the market there are several pulsed light epilators designed specifically for home hair removal: but
they really work How to use them
They are painful
Let’s clarify the most common doubts regarding pulsed light epilators, starting from the explanation of their operation.

  • How the pulsed light epilator works
  • How to prepare the skin for treatment
  • How to use the pulsed light epilator
  • Which pulsed light epilator to choose
  • Pulsed light treatment hurts
  • Take care of the skin after the treatment

How the pulsed light epilator
works The pulsed light devices work thanks to the emission of light beams that penetrate deep into the skin, until they hit the bulbs responsible for hair growth. In general, all devices of this type cannot be used on people with very dark complexions as the pulsed light identifies and hits the dark part of the hair, which it could not do effectively on a very dark complexion. The same thing goes for hair that is too light: if your hair is dark blonde, then you are safe!
The light pulses emitted by the device, of variable frequency and intensity, affect the root of the hair, the bulb, weakening it: this will make hair regrowth slower and the new hairs thinner, smaller, weaker and therefore easier to remove. For this reason, as we proceed with the home “sessions” of pulsed light, it will be possible to resort less frequently to razor, waxing or other methods of hair removal. How to prepare the skin for treatment
Before carrying out a session of pulsed light, it is important to shave without removing the hair bulb : therefore no waxing, electric epilators or manual removal with tweezers. It is preferable to use a razor. The hairs must also be “cut” for a better functioning of the device: the long hairs are in fact “burned” dirtying the slide of the device and thus reducing its effectiveness. After hair removal, it is important not to apply any product to the skin , which must be clean, dry and free of creams, perfumes or deodorants. At this point we can start our treatment with a pulsed light device in the “home” version.
The device can be used on legs, arms, armpits but also face, back and other parts of the body, avoiding (or in any case doing a preliminary test) on the most sensitive areas such as intimate parts or areas with high density of hair (in men , the beard).
The device should not be used in areas of the skin covered with tattoos as it may damage them. How to use the pulsed light epilator
Before proceeding to a complete treatment session, it is good to start with a very small area to be treated and wait at least 48 hours to exclude any side effects (burns, prolonged redness, etc …). After this initial test, you can (finally!) Proceed to your first complete treatment.
The pulsed light devices generally have different levels of “power” , the advice is to start from the 1st and then possibly increase it according to your tolerance threshold.
To treat the area, you will need to emit a beam of light to cover the entire area to be treated, without leaving “non-flashed” areas and avoiding going twice in the same spot during the same session (you could burn the skin). After each treatment you will have to wait 2 weeks before proceeding again.
The treatment is really simple and can be carried out comfortably at home by both men and women. The first few times you will probably take some time to get familiar with the appliance, but once you understand how it works the treatment will be much faster.
It is necessary to have perseverance and patience to carry out the treatments in the correct way. Which pulsed light epilator to choose
Braun Silk-expert Pro 5 Pulsed Light Epilator, Alternative to Laser, Shaver and Travel Case included, Gift Idea, PL5137 White and Gold

    399,99 EUR
    299,99 EUR
    Buy on Amazon
    Philips Lumea Prestige BRI949 / 00 Pulsed Light Hair Removal Device with 4 attachments for armpits, bikini line, body and face, SmartSkin sensor + Satin Compact trimmer

      599,99 EUR
      349,00 EUR
      Buy on Amazon
      Remington IPL3500 Compact Pulsed Light Epilator, 5 Intensity, 350,000 Flashes, Legs, Bikini area, Armpits, Face

        199,99 EUR
        136,58 EUR
        Buy on Amazon
        Beurer IPL 10000+ SalonPro System Pulsed Light Epilator with 250,000 Light Pulses

          267,10 EUR
          Buy on Amazon The pulsed light treatment hurts
          Now let’s move on to the “sore point” of these devices: the level of tolerance of the light beam is absolutely subjective .
          From my personal experience, I can say that in some areas of the body it can be more annoying than in others. For example, when used on the legs, I didn’t feel any discomfort except in the area of ​​the skin near the bones. The treatment in the groin area, on the other hand, did not bring me any discomfort while, in the armpit area, I felt a little discomfort exclusively near the area of ​​the breastline. Taking care of the skin after the treatment After the treatment
          , the skin may be slightly redbut never burned or sore. The redness usually lasts a few hours and then fades. You can apply a soothing cream after the treatment to relieve redness.
          The results and the amount of necessary treatments depend very much on the type of skin and the characteristics of the hair present in the treated area.

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