The GIRO project , or Integrated Management of Organizational Resources, is a technological platform that carries out the economic, financial and human resources management of the Andalusian Government through electronic procedures , so if you want to request a grant, you should register your bank account on the platform, where your data will be and if you meet all the requirements, you will collect it within the stipulated period.
Knowing how to use GIRO is important, since the preference of aid is by order of arrival of the request, so if you are registered on the electronic platform, you have an advantage.

How to use the GIRO platform

First of all, you must apply to register with GIROsending an email to [email protected] , indicating as subject “REGISTRATION OF BENEFICIARY IN DRAFT” and attaching a copy of the CIF/NIF.
Once you have been registered you will be able to access the Maintenance of the Accounts in GIRO, for this, you must enter the Virtual Office of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration through a Digital Certificate .
On the page, you must enter the “Third party account maintenance” section as follows:
Once there, you can select the Digital Certificate that allows you to access and the page shows you a list in which the user and third parties appear. who are allowed to manage their accounts.
Therefore, the user can select himself or the third party he represents to be able to manage.
The table, as can be seen in the image, contains the following fields:

• Indicator: If checked, it indicates the third party to work with. • NIF: Tax identification number of the third party. • Name: Denomination of the third party

Give registration, delete and change an account to main.
If you intend to register a new bank account that you intend to manage, you must press “Account registration”which is located just below the different bank accounts present and add the Iban code required to proceed with the registration. After this, you just have to press “accept”.
If what you want is to delete an account, you must select it and press “Delete” which is located to the right of the “Account registration” button. After this, you just have to press “accept”
If your goal is to change your main bank account, you must select “Change main account” that is located to the right of the “delete” buttonand add the Iban code of the account you want to make the main account. After this, you just have to press “accept”

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