It is increasingly common to look for natural remedies before trying medicines or supplements, and often, we are amazed by discovering the effectiveness of many foods or plants.
True, it is generally recommended to avoid sugars, also to treat and prevent erectile dysfunction. This applies to processed sugars, but not to natural sugars, such as those that can be found in fruit and, in fact, in honey.
Also called Aphrodite’s nectar, honey is one of the most seductive foods in the world, and one of the foods renowned as aphrodisiacs.
The sweetness of honey and its sensual texture are irresistible, but experts will tell you that the most beautiful property of this substance is the variety.
There are as many variations of honey as there are styles of wine. From thicker textures like molasses to softer and creamier textures, almost like butter. Honey: golden and sweet substance.

  • Honey: golden and sweet substance
  • How can honey help you have a better erection
    • How honey affects the quality of erections
    • How to consume honey to get a better erection

There are almost as many legends about the aphrodisiac powers of honey as there are varieties of this sweet syrup. It has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac by cultures around the world.
Even for the Greeks, honey was aphrodisiac; in fact, Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, prescribed it for sexual vigor. He also liked to recommend a drink of milk and honey to induce sexual ecstasy.
Honey provides the body with a quick injection of natural sugar. But in addition to its ability to provide energy, it contains about two percent of the vitamins and minerals essential for sexual health. One of these key components is boron, a nutrient believed to regulate hormones. How can honey help you have a better erection
Honey increases nitric oxide, a substance that is released into the bloodstream during arousal. This means that honey potentially has a benefit for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
A simple food like honey is known to have beneficial effects on sexual health. It promotes the production of testosterone in men and the mineral boron present in honey helps the use of estrogen in women.
Furthermore, a recent scientific study showed that a dose equivalent to two teaspoons of honey significantly increased the level of nitric oxide.
Additionally, honey appears to improve your overall energy level, as well as improve blood circulation and stamina. How honey affects the quality of erections
Sexual health often transcends pleasure. In fact, the inability to get an erection and the consequent use of drugs can actually cause significant health problems. Many conventional pills and remedies for sexual dysfunction are often prescribed by doctors and holistic professionals.
But these medicines often have contraindications. This is because erectile dysfunction medications are known to negatively impact heart health and often come with a host of unpleasant side effects.
For this reason, we usually recommend using 100% natural supplements, with no contraindications or side effects whatsoever. Here you will find a selection of supplements to improve your sex life and your erection.
Honey helps men achieve erections naturally and generally works as a powerful aphrodisiac, especially when mixed with cumin, ginseng, olive oil or carrot seeds. How to consume honey for a better erection
There is no specific way to use honey for this purpose, just use it as you normally would: as a natural sweetener.
Honey can be used in a number of drinks or meals as a sweetener. For instance:

  • You can add a few drops of honey to your black tea with lemon juice to savor an exquisite drink;
  • Pour some honey as a sweetener on fresh bread, pancakes, waffles or any other dessert;
  • It can be used on all types of cheeses;
  • You can also take two teaspoons of it without adding it to any other food if you like.
  • Taking 2-3 tablespoons of honey at any time of the day will give you optimal results, and your partner will be happy too.

You can also mix honey with caraway or carrot seeds to naturally solve the problem of erectile dysfunction.
Being a natural substance and certainly not harmful to the body, it is worth trying it. In any case, you will have sweetened your evenings.

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