Not even 12 hours after a note calling the alarm about the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine “unjustified”, the Italian drug agency Aifa banned its use, while continuing to define it as “safe”. A choice made “in a completely precautionary and temporary way”, assured by the agency and by Palazzo Chigi, taken in line with what is happening in a growing list of European countries. Where new cases of thrombosis and suspected deaths of people who had received the injection with the drug of the Anglo-Swedish company are always being examined.The last to suspend the use of AstraZeneca were the big four of the EU: in addition to Italy, also France, Germany and Spain – the latter for 15 days – blocked the administration in the same hours for fears of possible effects collateral. Although the manufacturer, WHO , the University of Oxford, British health authorities and Prime Minister Boris Johnson insist that there are no contraindications. And although the European Medicines Agency Ema argues that even any risks are outweighed by the benefits. The first to sound the alarm, after having verified blood clotting problems in numerous recently vaccinated citizens, were the countries of northern Europe . Denmark _on 11 March it announced the suspension of AstraZeneca. Following Iceland, Norway, Bulgaria, Ireland, Holland and – outside Europe – Thailand, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia . Previously, a first batch of AstraZeneca was blocked by Austria on March 8, after the death of a 49-year-old nurse. Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Luxembourg had suspended the same lot, which was also banned on 11 March by Aifa and Romania.
Two days ago, Piedmont suspended the use of the vaccine in its entirety after the death of a teacher. Decision extended yesterday to the whole national territory by AIFA. Ema will hold an extraordinary meeting on Thursday to examine the situation. His pronouncement should in theory guide the choices of the governments of the Old Continent.
Meanwhile, in a hearing at the European Parliament, the head of the agency’s vaccination strategy, Marco Cavaleri, has already expressed his opinion: in his opinion, the relationship between benefits and risks “is positive and we see no problem in continuing vaccinations”. Position then ratified with an official note from the same agency. While French President Emmanuel Macron announced that further data from the agency are expected tomorrow. Side effects aside, AstraZeneca could instead have another weakness: according to a study cited by Cavaleri Ema himself, the vaccine would have been ineffective against the South African variant of Covid, even if more extensive checks will be necessary. From the first results, they would seem to have “excellent effectiveness”
Waiting for more certainty about the possible side effects of AstraZeneca, what is safe and the negative impact that the stop is having on the vaccination campaigns of many European countries. While the United Kingdom continues to beat the drum and exceeds 26 million doses administered, of which almost half AstraZeneca. Not secondary is the problem of those who have already had the first dose and should have received the second in these days. The AIFA has made it known that it will make known “promptly” the procedures for completing the vaccination as soon as the situation becomes clearer. To cope with the delays, many are confident in the increase in production of other pharmaceutical companies and in the arrival of new vaccines. Including the Russian Sputnik V, for whom, however – they say from Brussels – there is still no negotiation. Meanwhile, agreements have been reached to start production in Italy, Spain, France and Germany, to be ready to distribute it if Ema approves it one day. While Johnson & Johnson achieved a

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