The European Union “has decided to respond to this war of aggression unleashed five weeks ago by now, by not participating in the war, not by widening the conflict but by supporting the attacked country and isolating the aggressor from an economic and diplomatic point of view. I believe this line has been the case. carried forward with force, with the united and great collaboration of our allies of the G7, transatlantic and this line must continue, not be influenced by blackmail, by ultimatums, such as those we have seen in recent days “. This was stated by the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Paolo Gentiloni, on the sidelines of the Ambrosetti forum.
“Of course, and an answer that has a cost, even an economic one, incomparable with the cost that would have an enlargement of the war or with the cost that would have given the green light to the military aggression of Russia – he stressed -. It is a cost that would have. we must manage and that we must manage together. It is very important that the answer be a common European response. I believe the conditions are in place, because after all, the European economy had entered this crisis which began on 24 February in good health. With problems but with significant levels of growth prospects. These prospects may be at least partially defended. We will certainly have a slowdown in growth, we will certainly have an impact of this new crisis, but we are by no means destined for a path of negative growth or recession “. “Stability pact, return to rigid and counterproductive rules
To those who asked him about a Next Generation Eu on energy and defense, Gentiloni replied: “certainly when we say we face these new challenges in common, let’s call it the challenge of the strategic autonomy of the EU, because it holds together common defense and energy independence, and somewhat this idea of ​​an autonomous EU in the future, on a strategic level. This will certainly need large investments, and in large part above all for the common defense of public investments, and this may justify a discussion on possible common instruments ” . “I think it is a discussion that is not only legitimate but that is destined to continue in the coming weeks and months,” he explained. “It is certain that we are facing a mountain of investments to climb: for the climate transition, for common defense, for energy independence, for digital technology, for the quality of our health and education systems, therefore we need a composition of public spending that is less concentrated on current spending and more concentrated on investments. If this is favored by European rules, by mutual funds, it is certainly easier “.” There is no doubt that in the face of an economy that, without stopping, but slows down, returning to rigid rules would be counterproductive, so I believe that we must maintain the commitment before the summer break to put forward our proposals for reform “of the stability pact, continues Gentiloni. so we need a composition of public spending that is less concentrated on current spending and more concentrated on investments. If this is favored by European rules, by mutual funds, it is certainly easier “.” There is no doubt that in the face of an economy that, without stopping, but slows down, returning to rigid rules would be counterproductive, so I believe that we must maintain the commitment before the summer break to put forward our proposals for reform “of the stability pact, continues Gentiloni. so we need a composition of public spending that is less concentrated on current spending and more concentrated on investments. If this is favored by European rules, by mutual funds, it is certainly easier “.” There is no doubt that in the face of an economy that, without stopping, but slows down, returning to rigid rules would be counterproductive, so I believe that we must maintain the commitment before the summer break to put forward our proposals for reform “of the stability pact, continues Gentiloni.Gas price ceiling complicated topic, a proposal within the month
“We will talk about the stop of Russian gas in all possible and imaginary scenarios, therefore the discussion on the stability pact – he continued – has more influence on our internal dynamics. the fact that until two months ago we had forecasts of an economic development that would bring us back to resume a path of growth, not only to reach pre-pandemic levels but also to go much further, today they are surrounded by considerable uncertainty and this makes the discussion about reform of the most important stability pact “.
Asked if he is confident that there is a common position in Europe on the gas price ceiling, the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs said: “The subject is complicated from a technical point of view because there are not only different political opinions but different variables on the impact that a wholesale gas cap can have, but I think this is an issue that the Commission is addressing very seriously “. . “It is one of the issues – he said, on the sidelines of the Ambrosetti forum – on which the European Council asked the commission to make a proposal and we will make it by the end of the month”. Ukraine has fully earned participation in the EU
“The path cannot be resolved within weeks, but Ukraine, with the values ​​it has defended and the sacrifice it has suffered in recent weeks, has fully earned its participation in the European family, so the accession path will continue its stages but certainly, from the point of view of the intention of the member countries and the spirit that animates the commission, Ukraine is part of the European family “concludes Gentiloni. “We are moving quickly for what is up to the Commission – he explained -, after the unanimous decision of the European Council, the Commission is called to express an opinion and the opinion will be expressed, I believe, rather quickly in the coming months”.

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