Are you thinking of moving house or buying a new one
The costs for furnishing your new home could require several thousand euros of expenditure: but if you find DIY solutions to furnish it in an original way at a low
cost Saving is part of me: I have always been looking for ideas that allow me to get the most out of it with the least expense. By following the ideas and ideas that you will find below you too can furnish your home by spending less than the half price! And with a little luck and elbow grease, some furniture in your new home could be completely free. A table made from wooden coils
You can make a coffee table, to be placed both inside and outside the house, with less than € 30.00. The one in the photo is made with a reel for large cables : with a quick search on the net, you can find it for sale in numerous classifieds sites at a maximum price of € 30.00.
Just sand it to make the surface smooth and apply a few coats of clear varnish to protect the wood. If you prefer, you can also paint it with your favorite color or have a glass carved to apply on top. A little more idea
From Ikea you can buy cheap table legs that you could apply underneath to raise the table and facilitate the cleaning of the floor: 4 legs 10 cm high cost only € 10! Wooden boxes as furniture
You know the wooden fruit and vegetable crates
Do not throw them away: with a little imagination and a little attention you can assemble them to transform them into cabinets for the living room, bookcases or shelves to hang on the walls. The result is truly wonderful and you can have them at no cost.
If you like the natural and “minimal” style, you can leave them as they are: if you want to personalize them, you can sand them and paint them as you like, even using the decoupage technique. The
“Mixare” chairs are beautiful!

Who said that the chairs must all be the same and coordinated
? Look at the example of this photo: then furnish a living room or a kitchen with style, also combining different furnishing elements .
You can recycle old chairs, put together some “mismatched” chairs or buy some at the flea markets. The result will be unique and original. Pallets for sofas and beds
Finally, do not forget the indisputable usefulness of pallets: generally used in factories or shops to move pallets or large objects, they are perfect for home furnishings.
They can be transformed into tables, beds, headboards and, as in the example in the photo, even into decorative flower stands or bookcases. All at cost 0.
You have a cellar to furnish
Cover a wall with pallets, fixing them firmly to the wall, and use them to show off your wines or all the work tools.
Discover other forms of savings by visiting the site : you will find numerous ideas to save at home, to save money, to receive free samples and tips for winning prize competitions.

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