Mobility in cities is changing and in the new model a vehicle threatens to take on absolute prominence:
the scooter . The need to reduce the emission of CO2 to improve the Environment forces humanity to adopt a series of measures for the good of the Planet. Reducing the use of private cars and practicing sustainable mobility tops a list of behaviors that will force us to change our habits, but this must always be done safely.
In recent times we have seen how the beginning of coexistence between scooters, cars, motorcycles, buses and pedestriansIt has not been entirely satisfactory. Users who join the fashion of the scooter without the slightest idea of ​​complying with traffic regulations and who endanger both their physical integrity and that of others. The dangers of the misuse of the scooter are many and from the DGT they have decided to put a stop to it as soon as possible, adapting its legal framework and appropriate regulations for this means of transport. The latest measure, which is now in force while waiting to be approved in the Senate, is the mandatory use of the helmet , until now in legal limbo.
From today, with the proposed modifications approved in Congress within the Traffic and Road Safety Law, the driver of a personal mobility vehicle (VMP), such as electric scooters, is obliged to use a protective helmet in the terms that are regulated by law. determine. Wise men rectify and after staying at the beginning of the year, this measure will be added to the demands already approved before the amendments presented by PSOE, United We Can, PP, PNV and Citizens.
exposed to a penalty
under the terms determined by regulation, its use being mandatory for those under sixteen years of age and also for those who circulate on interurban roads. Regulations will set the exceptions to the provisions of this section.
While the text approved by the Interior Commission of the Congress of Deputies now goes to the Senate, the reform of article 47 has already made it compulsory to use the pertinent security device. Thus, both Traffic and City Councils have the legal capacity to force all users to wear a helmet , being able to expose themselves to a sanction.