From today the obligation of a basic green pass, obtainable with a negative swab, to go to hairdressers, barbers and beauty centers, while the government is filing the decree that contains the list of primary activities that can be accessed without certification: in addition to food , pharmacies, opticians, shops to buy wood or pellets for heating, post offices also pop up, but only to collect the pension. Until March 31, no cut, hairstyle and manicure therefore without the green certification obtained, in this case, even with the tampon to access what are defined “personal services”. The measure also applies to interviews with prison inmates.
From February 1st, public offices, postal, banking and financial services, commercial activities will be involved. “without prejudice to those necessary to ensure the fulfillment of essential and primary needs of the person. The decree identifying these latter activities is expected today: among the novelties there would also be the pass free entry to the post offices for the withdrawal of the pension , while for the other postal services, certification (basic or enhanced) will still be required. In general, access will be free in grocery stores, pharmacies, opticians and for the purchase of wood or pellets for heating . The same for activities outdoors like gas stations, markets, newsstandspass will instead be used to buy cigarettes from the tobacconist . The checks that access to these activities takes place in compliance with the requirements are the responsibility of the “relative owners, managers or managers”. Sanctions from 400 to one thousand euros for offenders.
Move forward towards changing the color system that could end the goal of the Regions in orange under the pressure of contagions. The hypothesis – which emerged at a technical table attended by experts from the Ministry of Health and the Regions – is to consider Covid cases only hospitalized patients who have developed the disease, not including the asymptomatic in hospital for other pathologies. Braking, however, on the request to reduce quarantines to 5 days for symptomatic patients. The governors have been asking for it for days now. “The color system doesn’t seem to make much sense anymore”, explains the president of Tuscany Eugenio Giani. “I think – echoes the president of Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini – that it should be eliminated: currently, for example, in the yellow zone and all the same as white”.
“The colors are of little use and the system must be abolished, on this we governors are almost all in agreement”, said Donato Toma, president of Molise. Yesterday there was a first meeting of the working table dedicated to the topic which was attended, among others, by the general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza and the president of the Higher Health Council and coordinator of the Cts, Franco Locatelli , together with representatives of the Regions. In the coming days there will be other comparisons to try to arrive at a shared position . “There is – observes the Undersecretary for Health, Andrea Costa – an audience of 90% of vaccinated people. Faced with this, the generalized color system no longer makes sense.
If the technical table has opened to a new calculation of the hospitalized, excluding the asymptomatic, the hypothesis of cutting the quarantine for symptomatic positives to 5 days has not passed . According to experts, according to what is learned, there is, to date, sufficient scientific evidence to support the shortening of the isolation. A favorable opinion, then, for a remodeling of contact tracing with the aim of focusing it on the symptomatic given the high numbers of infections.

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