“Yesterday I was in Assisi to sign the new encyclical ‘Brothers all’ on fraternity and social friendship,” said Pope Francis at the end of the Angelus. “I offered it to God on the tomb of St. Francis – he explained -, from which I drew inspiration as for the previous Laudato Si ‘”. According to the Pontiff, “the signs of the times clearly show that human fraternity and care for creation form the only way towards integral development and peace, already indicated by the Holy Young Popes XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II”. “Today to you who are in the square, and outside the square as well, I have the joy of giving the new encyclical in the extraordinary edition of the Osservatore Romano – he added, addressing the faithful -. And with this edition the daily paper edition of the Osservatore Romano starts again ”.
This is another logic. If you do not try to enter into this logic, my words will sound like fantasies “: quoting the Grand Imam al Tayyeb almost equally, recalling St. Francis and his journey to the Sultan, Pope Francis recognizes the thrust of the” non-Catholic Brothers ” Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Tutu (but above all to Blessed Charles de Foucauld) in denouncing “the deterioration of ethics, which conditions international action, and a weakening of spiritual values and a sense of responsibility”. It is the disease that threatens to destroy the contemporary world. We need to respond with a new sense of brotherhood, with dialogue that unites and enhances individual cultures, with a rethinking of the economy. Technocracy generates inhumanity, finance dominates and slaughters. A weakening due to the imposition of a single thought that tramples memory, perverts the meaning of the words democracy and freedom, creates social injustice and imposes the liquidation of the weak as a social gap. This is the heart of “Fratelli Tutti”, the encyclical that he signed yesterday on the tomb of the Saint whose name he chose and to which he entrusts the criticism of the contemporary world, oblivious to human brotherhood in the name of the sovereign narrow-mindedness of ‘ego.
Rising walls, creaking dreams of unification, coexistence between nations replaced by a world war in pieces. The world as Francis sees it resembles a nightmare created by man’s hands: it generates slavery, discriminates against women, makes the human body and its pieces commodities to sell on the market. He kills: children, the elderly left to die as if the pandemic were a Great Sanitizer. The covid has made evident what already existed, it has made it a problem that can no longer be avoided but it has not invented it. It has been a process that has lasted for years. “The world was moving relentlessly towards an economy that, by using technological advances, sought to reduce ‘human costs’, and someone pretended to make us believe that market freedom was enough for everything to be considered safe”, notes Bergoglio, “But the hard and unexpected blow of this runaway pandemic has forced us to think of human beings, of everyone, rather than the benefit of some”. What has happened, and could happen again, requires “rethinking our lifestyles, our relationships, the organization of our societies and above all the meaning of our existence”. Change everything: way of thinking, of living, of considering the human person, of creating wealth. All. Because “everything is connected” and everything is held. This is demonstrated by “this world disaster”. the organization of our companies and above all the meaning of our existence “. Change everything: way of thinking, of living, of considering the human person, of creating wealth. All. Because “everything is connected” and everything is held. This is demonstrated by “this world disaster”. the organization of our companies and above all the meaning of our existence “. Change everything: way of thinking, of living, of considering the human person, of creating wealth. All. Because “everything is connected” and everything is held. This is demonstrated by “this world disaster”.
The most dangerous scenario is looming on the horizon: the temptation to shrug and pretend that nothing has happened: “the worst reaction would be to fall even more into a feverish consumerism and new forms of self- selfish protection “. If this is the case, “the ‘save whoever can” will quickly translate into’ free for all ‘, and this will be worse than a pandemic ”. It is no coincidence, the Pontiff underlines, that “both from some populist political regimes and from liberal economic positions, it is argued that the arrival of migrants must be avoided at all costs”. In some countries of arrival, he continues. “Migratory phenomena arouse alarm and fears, often fomented and exploited for political ends. In this way, a xenophobic mentality is spreading, one of closure and withdrawn into oneself ”. In short, treated as “less human” beings. “It is unacceptable that Christians share this mentality and these attitudes, sometimes making certain political preferences prevail rather than deep convictions of their faith”, Francis attacks at this point, “the inalienable dignity of every human person beyond ‘origin, color or religion, and the supreme law of brotherly love ”. Europe risks ending up in this drift, but it has the cultural tools to avoid it and reaffirm the centrality of the human person. The Church is not immune from blame: “there are still those who believe they feel encouraged or at least authorized by their faith to support various forms of closed and violent nationalism, xenophobic attitudes, contempt and even mistreatment of those who are different”. “It is unacceptable that Christians share this mentality and these attitudes, sometimes making certain political preferences prevail rather than deep convictions of their faith”, Francis attacks at this point, “the inalienable dignity of every human person beyond ‘origin, color or religion, and the supreme law of brotherly love ”. Europe risks ending up in this drift, but it has the cultural tools to avoid it and reaffirm the centrality of the human person. The Church is not immune from blame: “there are still those who believe they feel encouraged or at least authorized by their faith to support various forms of closed and violent nationalism, xenophobic attitudes, contempt and even mistreatment of those who are different”. “It is unacceptable that Christians share this mentality and these attitudes, sometimes making certain political preferences prevail rather than deep convictions of their faith”, Francis attacks at this point, “the inalienable dignity of every human person beyond ‘origin, color or religion, and the supreme law of brotherly love ”. Europe risks ending up in this drift, but it has the cultural tools to avoid it and reaffirm the centrality of the human person. The Church is not immune from blame: “there are still those who believe they feel encouraged or at least authorized by their faith to support various forms of closed and violent nationalism, xenophobic attitudes, contempt and even mistreatment of those who are different”.
Hate flows through a connection that would like to be freedom, instead it is a violation: of dignity, of the person, of the very concept of solidarity. “The digital movements of hatred and destruction are not – as some would have us believe – an excellent form of mutual aid, but mere associations against an enemy”: they destroy and separate, giving life to the paradox of monads that are ever closer and always further away. This, then, “allowed ideologies to abandon all modesty”. “What until a few years ago could not be said about anyone without the risk of losing the respect of the whole world, today can be expressed in the crudest way even for some political authorities and remain unpunished” if not rewarded. Furthermore, “the fanaticisms that lead to the destruction of others also have religious people as protagonists, Christians are not excluded ”,“ even in the Catholic media the limits can be exceeded, defamation and slander are tolerated ”. However, there is a great opportunity: “today we are faced with the great opportunity to express our being Brothers, to be other good Samaritans who take upon themselves the pain of failures, instead of fomenting hatred and resentment”. So “that others continue to think about politics or economics for their power games. Let’s nourish what is good and put ourselves at the service of good “,” without looking at one’s own circle of belonging “. to be other good Samaritans who take upon themselves the pain of failures, instead of fomenting hatred and resentment ”. So “that others continue to think about politics or economics for their power games. Let’s nourish what is good and put ourselves at the service of good “,” without looking at one’s own circle of belonging “. to be other good Samaritans who take upon themselves the pain of failures, instead of fomenting hatred and resentment ”. So “that others continue to think about politics or economics for their power games. Let’s nourish what is good and put ourselves at the service of good “,” without looking at one’s own circle of belonging “.
In the “dynamisms of history, despite the diversity of ethnic groups, societies and cultures, we see the vocation to form a community composed of Brothers who welcome each other, taking care of each other”, acknowledges the Pope. if God is charity, charity is love for the Brothers. Faced with the peripheries, of the world as of the cities, concrete as well as existential, the goal is not only to assist the needy, but to ensure “active participation in the civil and ecclesial community”. Fraternity is what man needs and it is something that completes and perfects equality and freedom. Equality is not achieved “by defining in the abstract that all human beings are equal, but is the result of the conscious and pedagogical cultivation of fraternity”. Being brothers is more than being partners, “the mere sum of individual interests is not capable of generating a better world for all humanity. Nor can it preserve us from so many evils that are becoming more and more global. But radical individualism is the most difficult virus to defeat ”. Equality of opportunities is not enough. “Investing in favor of fragile people may not be profitable requires a present and active state, and institutions of civil society that go beyond the freedom of the efficiency mechanisms of certain economic, political or ideological systems, because they really orient themselves before everything to people and to the common good ”, explains Bergoglio. We need to take responsibility for frailties, “solidarity is expressed concretely in service, which can take very different forms in the way of taking care of others”. It is “a word that expresses much more than a few sporadic acts of generosity”. In short, opportunities must be “adequate for the integral development of the person”.
At this point it should be considered that “the Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or untouchable, and has highlighted the social function of any form of private property”. The common use of primary goods is therefore the most natural thing there is, private property can be understood “only as a secondary natural right derived from the principle of the universal destination of created goods”. Development “must not be oriented towards the growing accumulation of the few, but must ensure human, personal and social, economic and political rights, including the rights of nations and peoples”, The right of some to freedom of enterprise or the market “cannot stand above the rights of peoples and the dignity of the poor; and not even above respect for the environment “. The skills of entrepreneurs, “which are a gift from God, should be clearly oriented towards the progress of other people and overcoming misery, especially through the creation of diversified job opportunities”. It is valid on a personal and individual level, it is valid in relations between countries and nations. Borders are not walls, solidarity is global just as selfishness has been global up to now. Hence the idea of ”a new network in international relations” that “ensures the fundamental right of peoples to subsistence and progress”. it is valid in relations between countries and nations. Borders are not walls, solidarity is global just as selfishness has been global up to now. Hence the idea of ”a new network in international relations” that “ensures the fundamental right of peoples to subsistence and progress”. it is valid in relations between countries and nations. Borders are not walls, solidarity is global just as selfishness has been global up to now. Hence the idea of ”a new network in international relations” that “ensures the fundamental right of peoples to subsistence and progress”.
The first area is that of migrants. It requires “indispensable responses, especially towards those fleeing from serious humanitarian crises. For example: increase and simplify the granting of visas; adopt private and community advocacy programs; open humanitarian corridors for the most vulnerable refugees; offer adequate and decent accommodation; guarantee personal safety and access to essential services; ensure adequate consular assistance “. For those who have arrived, the concept of citizenship should be fully applied. But in addition to this “broadening our gaze, with the Great Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb we recalled that” the relationship between West and East is an indisputable mutual necessity, which cannot be replaced or even neglected, so that both can enrich each other in the civilization of the other, through the exchange and dialogue of cultures “. Also because “today no isolated national state is able to ensure the common good of its own population”. Also for this reason populism is a false and inadequate response. It betrays democracy, it betrays the very idea of the people. Of course, “there are popular leaders capable of interpreting the feelings of a people”, but when “one aims to accumulate popularity by fomenting the lowest and selfish inclinations of certain sectors of the population”, one arrives, “in gross or subtle forms, to a subjection of institutions and legality “. And democracy, which is the power of the people, is withering away. Also because “today no isolated national state is able to ensure the common good of its own population”. Also for this reason populism is a false and inadequate response. It betrays democracy, it betrays the very idea of the people. Of course, “there are popular leaders capable of interpreting the feelings of a people”, but when “one aims to accumulate popularity by fomenting the lowest and selfish inclinations of certain sectors of the population”, one arrives, “in gross or subtle forms, to a subjection of institutions and legality “. And democracy, which is the power of the people, is withering away. Also because “today no isolated national state is able to ensure the common good of its own population”. Also for this reason populism is a false and inadequate response. It betrays democracy, it betrays the very idea of the people. Of course, “there are popular leaders capable of interpreting the feelings of a people”, but when “one aims to accumulate popularity by fomenting the lowest and selfish inclinations of certain sectors of the population”, one arrives, “in gross or subtle forms, to a subjection of institutions and legality “. And democracy, which is the power of the people, is withering away. “There are popular leaders capable of interpreting the feelings of a people”, but when “one aims to accumulate popularity by fomenting the lowest and selfish inclinations of certain sectors of the population”, “in gross or subtle forms, subjection of institutions and legality “. And democracy, which is the power of the people, is withering away. “There are popular leaders capable of interpreting the feelings of a people”, but when “one aims to accumulate popularity by fomenting the lowest and selfish inclinations of certain sectors of the population”, “in gross or subtle forms, subjection of institutions and legality “. And democracy, which is the power of the people, is withering away.
The challenge of democratic systems, from this point of view, is work. Welfare is a palliative: it is work that gives dignity. An “indispensable dimension of social life”, therefore. From this point of view, Francis’ critique of liberalism is clear: “the market alone does not solve everything, although sometimes they want us to believe this dogma of neoliberal faith”. A “poor and repetitive thought”, this, permeated by the idea that the opulence that overflows from the pockets of the rich is enough to solve the problem of the poor. If anything, “an active economic policy is indispensable, aimed at promoting an economy that favors productive diversification and entrepreneurial creativity, so that it is possible to increase jobs instead of reducing them”. On the other hand, “financial speculation with easy gains as its fundamental purpose continues to wreak havoc”, while “without internal forms of solidarity and mutual trust, the market cannot fully carry out its economic function. And today it is this trust that has failed ”. “Not everything is resolved with the freedom of the market and that, in addition to rehabilitating a healthy policy that is not subject to the dictates of finance,” we must put human dignity back at the center “, says the Pope at this point.
Remember, then, that the 2008 crisis from this point of view was an opportunity ignored and that, among other flaws, humanity has accentuated the disdain for those meetings that were once real chambers of compensation for crises – political or economic – of the human community. “A reform of both the United Nations Organization and the international economic and financial architecture is necessary, so that we can give real concreteness to the concept of the family of nations”, he hopes, “without a doubt this presupposes precise legal limits, for avoid that it is an authority co-opted only by some countries “. Furthermore, “it is necessary to avoid that this Organization is de-legitimized, because its problems and shortcomings can be faced and resolved jointly”. A similar speech for politics: “for many today politics is a bad word, and we cannot ignore that behind this fact there are often errors, corruption, the inefficiency of some politicians. To this are added the strategies that aim to weaken it, to replace it with the economy or to dominate it with some ideology. And yet, the world can work without politics
It can find an effective way towards universal brotherhood and social peace without good politics
”. A policy impregnated with social charity, which died in “an economy integrated into a political, social, cultural and popular project that aims at the common good”.
A “preferential love for the least”, a defense of fundamental human rights, starting with not being hungry. A political charity that propagates the culture of tolerance and fully respects the human person by uniting love and tolerance and sowing seeds for subsequent generations. A path “towards peace” in which “it is necessary to practice unmasking the various modalities of manipulation, deformation and concealment of the truth in public and private spheres”, is the warning. “What we call” truth “is not just the communication of facts operated by journalism”, says the Pope, “it is above all the search for the most solid foundations that underlie our choices and our laws”. Laws and choices which, continues Francis’ reasoning, are denied in their essence in two cases: war and the death penalty. A “world war in pieces” is underway, he accuses again. As for capital punishment, “St. John Paul II declared in a clear and firm manner that it is inadequate on a moral level and is no longer necessary on a penal level” and “it is not possible to think about taking steps backwards from this position”. Today “we clearly affirm that the death penalty is inadmissible and the Church is committed with determination to propose that it be abolished throughout the world”. It is the culture of destroying the other that must be fought. This is why Francis dedicates the last part of his encyclical to religions at the service of the brotherhood of the world ”. “St. John Paul II declared in a clear and firm manner that it is inadequate on the moral level and is no longer necessary on the penal level” and “it is not possible to think about taking steps backwards from this position”. Today “we clearly affirm that the death penalty is inadmissible and the Church is committed with determination to propose that it be abolished throughout the world”. It is the culture of destroying the other that must be fought. This is why Francis dedicates the last part of his encyclical to religions at the service of the brotherhood of the world ”. “St. John Paul II declared in a clear and firm manner that it is inadequate on the moral level and is no longer necessary on the penal level” and “it is not possible to think about taking steps backwards from this position”. Today “we clearly affirm that the death penalty is inadmissible and the Church is committed with determination to propose that it be abolished throughout the world”. It is the culture of destroying the other that must be fought. This is why Francis dedicates the last part of his encyclical to religions at the service of the brotherhood of the world ”. It is the culture of destroying the other that must be fought. This is why Francis dedicates the last part of his encyclical to religions at the service of the brotherhood of the world ”. It is the culture of destroying the other that must be fought. This is why Francis dedicates the last part of his encyclical to religions at the service of the brotherhood of the world ”.
“The different religions offer a precious contribution for the construction of fraternity and for the defense of justice in society”, he underlines, “the goal of dialogue is to establish friendship, peace, harmony and to share moral and spiritual values and experiences in a spirit of truth and love “. A path of peace is possible between religions and “it is not a question of making us all lighter or of hiding our own beliefs, to which we are more attached, in order to meet with others who think differently”. The worst enemy, from this point of view, is fanaticism: “fundamentalist violence is unleashed in some groups of any religion by the imprudence of their leaders”. The other side of intolerance which makes us monads, which makes us desperate. The other side of the evil that corrodes the world of the 21st century.