The golden eagle of the Estense Prize flies over Francesca Nava . It is she, journalist and documentary maker, who won the 57th edition of the Ferrara award. With ‘Il focolaio’ you have won the favor of technical jury and popular jury. The investigation book that tells the evolution of the pandemic from Bergamo onwards. And to “those to whom I promised I would go through with it, to the survivors who gave me their testimony” Nava’s dedication. The Estense Prize, this year, was full of ‘bigs’. The four finalists were in fact Giancarlo and Alberto Mazzuca with the fresco by Gianni Agnelli, ‘Italian Labyrinth’ by Walter Veltroni, ending with ‘the System’ by Alessandro Sallusti.
It is the reward of the restart, of the post-emergency phase. That time in which “we must not loosen our grip, but in which we must follow the high road traced by our companies which, despite everything, are reacting very well”. Gian Luigi Zaina, vice president of Confindustria Emilia and president of the Premio Estense foundation, begins with a message of hope. But with some questions about the future. The president of Confindustria Emilia Walter Caiumi is also looking for an answer. “Finally – he says – we have a perspective vision that comes to us from a government that is projecting us towards the end of this nightmare”.
The end of a nightmare also made possible “thanks to the commitment of hundreds of entrepreneurs who make this area a hub of excellence”. Because after all we know, the recovery starts right from the territories. And after all, the Estense Prize is also a child of the territory – recalls Caiumi -. A recognition that has been able to go beyond the borders of Ferrara becoming famous throughout the country “. From a local bank to a consolidated reality throughout the boot, Bper has also been involved, represented by the manager of the Eastern Emilia Romagna area, Paolo Barchi.
Returning to the prize and the books. The words that Giancarlo Mazzuca uses to describe Gianni Agnelli exude admiration. “He was a Savoy king, without a crown. A patriot, the emblem of the economic and social miracle of the 1960s ”. The coat of arms of an aristocracy who passed away at the dawn of the Years of Lead. As a form – the interview – but also as narrated plots, perhaps the conversation between the former judge Palamara and the director of Libero Sallusti is contained in the most complex book. And what has caused more discussion “of a media-judicial system that has caused the fall of at least the last five governments”. A policy unsuccessful “to investigations which, in most cases – so Sallusti – have not resulted in anything”.
Veltroni gives readers a journey more than anything else. “Which starts from the regret of an era that I have not lived – that of the Liberation – to the narration of the game of the Century: Italy-Germany 4 to 3”. The delivery of the Granzotto prize to Andrea Purgatori is almost more applauded than the victory of the Estense Prize. Even if – it may be granted – the absolute protagonist, also of the 57th edition, was undoubtedly the presenter Cesara Bonamici. For eighteen years on the stage of the Abbado Theater in Ferrara. Always with the same determination, with the same class.