Analysts pointed out that the 20-year war in Afghanistan has shown that the US has failed to use force to solve the problem. They remind me of a political exponent of our country who, once the operations for the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 began, said on TV that the White House was right to bomb that country to remove the burqa from women. Hoping for indiscriminate violence to erase another violence, but targeted, and an immoral and criminal action.
The US has gone through four failures and one dollar success that we will examine gradually.
The situation in Afghanistan is still evolving. For Afghanistan the direction of the future remains to be seen, but for the US it is a certainty that it has met with complete failure.
However, from the military failure evidenced by the squalid retreat, from the collapse of American diplomacy to the discredited international reputation, we will see all the great failures that the US has experienced. Until the US changes its hegemonic strategy, it will face more and more failures in the future.
As Americans hastily fled from Kabul, the Western model led by them was once again hit hard. Which also highlighted that every time that the states of the European Union bow to the orders of the White House and the Pentagon, then they have no other way than to apologize with various sickly whining, related to human rights and the reception of those more fortunate than that. they have the financial means to escape.
Who does not remember the boat people
In other words, the wealthy South Vietnamese who left Saigon, while the US helicopter loaders left the country running and the aforementioned boat people were taken over especially by France. On August 17, the US Office of the Special Inspector General for Reconstruction of Afghanistan released a report stating that, despite the huge investments and heavy losses of the past two decades, due to a lack of understanding of politics and Afghan culture, and deliberately ignoring the will of the Afghans, the US in Afghanistan pursued an illusion “doomed to fail from the start”.
According to some observers, this 140-page report was written long before the US hastily withdrew from Afghanistan and reveals in detail why Washington has invested so much in Afghanistan over the past two decades but ultimately failed.
The report pointed out that the policies of successive US governments ignored the current situation in Afghanistan and the will of the Afghan people, and sought to force a development model that was seriously out of touch in Afghanistan. This policy was doomed to fail from the start. According to the report, many US officials said the US has always “lacked the most basic understanding” of Afghanistan. US that did not “know what to do there”, but despite the warning of conscientious US experts, they failed to influence previous administrations that emphasized and bragged about the alleged successes of cola.
The US special inspector for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, John F. Sopko, stressed in the report that US politicians are “very ignorant” about Afghanistan at the highest strategic level and often sought to “remove the real Afghanistan” by applying the vision of their own US-based “imaginary Afghanistan”, and by applying behaviors that created reasons of conflict with the local population.
Furthermore, Sopko says that there have been serious corruption and waste problems in the system the US has relied on to operate in the country: many reconstruction projects in Afghanistan have cost a lot of money but in the end inevitably remained unfinished.
The report also pointed out that the US has not been able to successfully establish a sustainable operating model in that country over the past twenty years, while at the same time with the hasty withdrawal even the few fragile ripened fruits are doomed to rot.
Some commentators believe that the failure of the US’s so-called “Afghan model” has pierced the false illusion of strength and prosperity that Washington has maintained through their grandiose soft power.
The rhetoric is always the same. We must treat bad countries as we did during World War II with Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and militarist Japan. We must bomb and massacre them and so later in those countries the democracy that will make them good will be born.
The mistake of putting Germany-Italy-Japan on the same level with the Muslim countries of the Near, Middle East and Anterior Asia: the former already had democratic-bourgeois-liberal representational traditions. Japan itself, with the Meiji Restoration (1866-1869), while aiming at the emancipation of the country from Western powers, promoted a reform process inspired precisely by Western state systems which, above all thanks to the contribution of Itō Hirobumi ( 1841-1909), culminating in the adoption of the Meiji Constitution, the first constitution understood in a modern sense in Asia! While my friend and great foreign minister, Gianni De Michelis– who did not go to the sea during times of crisis – always affirmed that every problem of a state must be solved according to the will of its people and with the arrival of violent and bestial warmongers.
Ultimately the US launched the war in Afghanistan in the name of counter-terrorism, but what they have achieved
Over the past 20 years, terrorist organizations in Afghanistan have multiplied. Over the past two decades, thousands upon thousands of Afghans have been killed or injured under “friendly” fire from the US and its allies, and more than ten million have been displaced.
The war in Afghanistan caused an average loss of US $ 300 million per day for 20 years at a cost of over US $ 2.260 billion. In addition to the countless deaths.
As of April 2021, the Afghan population recorded 47,245 civilian casualties; 66,000 Afghan military and police; 51,191 deaths by the Taliban and other opponents, who, reading the Western press, seem instead immortal as the latter are the bad guys.
The US military suffered 2,448 casualties; 3,846 US mercenaries died; victims of other NATO member states: 1,144; humanitarian workers: 444; journalists: 72. And all this has seriously reduced the economic and social development of the country.
Facts have shown once again that US military intervention and power politics since the 1950s XX are unpopular and ultimately fail.
A foreign model cannot be rigidly applied to a country with completely different history, culture and national conditions, as if they were farmed chickens that over time turn into lions. Solving problems with power and military means only increases the problems not for the US – which has seen its war industry flourish in these four decades – but for the members of the European Union, especially with the imminent Covid 19 refugee problem. .
Whether it is Korea, Vietnam, Latin American states (Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, etc.), Iraq, Syria, Libya or Afghanistan, we have seen that wherever the US military goes , riots and divisions remain, families destroyed and devastation.
Perhaps President Biden has also noticed this when he stated in a recent speech that he will not make the mistake of investing too much energy in the civil wars of other countries and reshaping other countries through endless military intervention.
It is hoped that the US can seriously reflect on its policy of military intervention and violence at any time, and stop unbridled interference in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of democracy and human rights and undermine the peace and stability of others. Countries and regions. And all this to favor its own war industry, the only successful exit from the lake of Afghan blood.
To support its arms production, the US has taken four failures: national political (its citizens died for nothing), military (defeat), international political (bitterness and disappointment of allies) and collapse of international reputation (foreign citizens killed by will imperialism and indifference towards allies; other than the propaganda I care with a dommilanian smell).
US WASP elites often take for granted that US democracy is the way to prosperity and to solve all the ills of society. After the overthrow of the Taliban regime in 2001, the US had the ambition to make Afghanistan a “model democratic country”, with the birth of parties, movements, acceptance of Western negative values ​​and the abolition of God’s manifestations. It managed to unite all ethnic groups, but it intensified the contradictions within the Afghan elite, which the US itself had financed and trained (including the Taliban) when it came to repelling the Soviets from 1979 to 1991.
Looking back at the 20 years of the war in Afghanistan, the chaos left in Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries, more and more people are realizing that the US is far from being a “great country” as it preached. Often they are a destructive force: the “peace” they wish for first of all is taken from the peoples. The “democratic model” that one’s soft power sells, is reduced to a Munk-like mask for military intervention and power politics.
Under the “beacon of human rights” is buried the dark history of people from other countries, abused and killed by the war industry, as well as the painful daily life of tens of thousands of innocent civilians tortured by the flames of war who today seek refuge in Europe, since in the USA the walls are erected to remove already the neighboring Mexico.
According to some reports, seven regiments of the Afghan government forces have completely lost their combat effectiveness, and all troops have turned to the Taliban with weapons and equipment. The Taliban have posted photos and videos of the rich trophies seized in several former US military bases on social networks. The Taliban are a force that represents the country, so the embarrassment of many Afghan soldiers in fighting compatriots in the pay of foreigners at some point became unbearable.
The US Withdrawal From Afghanistan Like The Escape From Saigon: Helicopters Hovered Uncertainly and Overloaded in the Air, Embassy Officers Lowered the Flag, Burned Confidential Documents, and Washington Continued Sending More Soldiers to Help the Evacuation: A Movie Already seen. And the hasty escape drew enormous criticism from all sides.
It doesn’t matter how the US government hides and justifies the catastrophic withdrawal policy. Not only did it raise criticism in the US itself, but it also caused an unprecedented decline in Washington’s international image. A protest was organized outside the White House on August 15. The protesters were Afghans of US citizenship and showed their anger in protesting the government’s deception. This anger also permeated former US soldiers who had participated in the war in Afghanistan and sympathized with fellow Afghans.
The world sees very clearly how the US treats its allies in Afghanistan. Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation said in an interview: “For twenty years, NATO and the US have been training political forces in Afghanistan. Now they are shifting responsibility to the Afghan political leadership that they themselves have cultivated and educated ”. Hussein Haqqani , former Pakistani ambassador to the US, said: “The abandonment of the Afghan government by the White House will cause many Washington allies to reconsider their commitments to the US.” A clear warning from one of Washington’s most important allies in the region, already ready to recognize the new Taliban executive.
This kind of diplomatic failure will not only affect the already weak and uncertain administration ofJoseph Robinette Biden , but it will also seriously damage the credibility of the United States in the world.
In addition to US politicians, the humiliating troop withdrawal has also attracted media criticism of this country. CNN ironically claimed that the withdrawal and failure of the Biden administration’s troops not only showed its mismanagement, but also revealed that “the US vision of building a functioning country is illusory”. Local politicians themselves call the US in Afghanistan the biggest foreign policy failure in decades What is the cause of the US failure in Afghanistan
August 17, the president of the NATO-ally, Czech Republic, Milos Zemanhe declared in an exclusive interview: “I have already criticized the withdrawal from the NATO summit in London a year ago and now at the NATO summit in Brussels. I looked Trump and Biden in the eye, telling them it was cowardice. I think that by leaving Afghanistan, the Americans have lost the prestige of a global leader and NATO itself has raised doubts about the legitimacy of its existence ”. An Italian beach guy would be able to say these things
Cowardice has no positive effects. On the contrary, this offers the Taliban unprecedented opportunities.
The lack of international credibility makes the allies aware of not negotiating and not accepting the diktats of the USA but taking care only of themselves and their foreign policy.
After the Biden administration came to power, it announced “the US is back on the international scene”, declaring to the world that multilateralism would regain space. But on the issue of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the Biden administration did not negotiate with its allies (Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc.), but created the fait accompli and forced the others to follow the own retreat. And many Afghans who worked for the US have been abandoned. The New York Times reported that this meant “the end of the US era” and “and another blow to the image of the US abroad”.
Before the fall of Saigon (April 30, 1975), the president of South Vietnam Nguyen Van Thieuhe had denounced the US for the betrayal of his country as “inhumane, unreliable and irresponsible”. The same scene is now shooting in Afghanistan. The US just wants to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan as soon as possible. As French defense analyst Francois Heisbourg commented : “The idea that Americans are unreliable will become more entrenched because of Afghanistan.” We believe that if they do not also learn from Afghanistan, the US will suffer more and more failures.
According to the report by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs published on August 9, 2021 when asked whether they support or oppose the decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, the Chicago Council Survey finds that 70% of Americans support it and 29% oppose it.
“The Stars and Stripes”, a newspaper of the Defense Department, released on August 16, placed a headline on the front page: It’s Over: “The West’s 20-Year Experiment in the Transformation of Afghanistan is Over”. The end of this flirtation is shocking. Afghanistan was thrown away as unfair by the US, and its future direction remains to be seen. But whatever the road ahead for Afghanistan, the United States will never be able to erase this extremely shameful history of theirs.
To conclude, let’s take a quick look at the international relations of the former Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (1996-2001), ruled by the Taliban. It was fully recognized by three US allies: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates; plus the recognition of the Chechen Republic of Ickeria (1994-2000) and uncertain Turkmenistan.
Today, who do you think will recognize the resurrected Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
? the most solid. And in international relations what counts is facts and not speeches to become a deputy or senator on the vote of naive gullible bar people.

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