The Junta de Andalucia announced this week a new aid of 210 euros to workers in ERTE and discontinuous fixed. This aid , collected as an extraordinary measure within Decree-Law 4/2021, of March 23, to alleviate the effects of the pandemic, comes under the protection of economic and social agents “to compensate for the loss of income of self-employed workers. outside, affected by a temporary employment regulation file (ERTE) and permanent discontinuous workers who are beneficiaries of the extraordinary benefit due to COVID-19 “.
More than 350,000 peoplein Andalusia they will benefit from this new measure, a direct aid that will not be notified but you can check if it corresponds to you through this form. If you are a beneficiary, you do not have to take any action to receive this aid, since employment has already collected the necessary data from all those who are entitled to it.
How do I know if I am entitled to this aid
The selection process of the people who will receive this direct aid of 210 euros has been based on the following criteria:
Having the status of workers for others .
That the Social Security contribution account code of the work center where they provide their services corresponds to the code of a province in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia .
That they have been beneficiaries of the unemployment benefit as a result of an ERTE between March 14 and April 30, 2020 , both dates inclusive.
For discontinuous permanent workers , who have been beneficiaries of the extraordinary benefit with a start date between October 1, 2020 and January 31, 2021, both inclusive.
More than 350,000 people in Andalucia will benefit from this new measure
The allocation for this aid amounts to a total of75,000,000 euros and payment will be made by bank transfer to a current account that the beneficiary has indicated to the Public State Employment Service or the Social Institute of the Navy for the receipt of the benefit AND the order of payment will always prioritize those people with a smaller regulatory base.
How do I know if I am entitled to this aid
From the Junta de Andalucia they have provided information in this regard that includes a form to find out if you will receive the new help from the Junta for employees in ERTE. Access it and in the final part you will find the form to enter your DNI/CIF and the last 4 digits of the account provided to the SEPE or the ISM for the receipt of the recognized unemployment benefit due to the ERTE, as shown the image that accompanies this information.