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After the splendid adventure that saw them protagonists at the 2016 European Championships in France, a new uniform, original but strongly linked to the identity of this nation, will accompany them to the 2018 World Cup in Russia .
Just ice, lava and waterblend perfectly in the new Errea shirt created to best represent the uniqueness and beauty of Iceland and its national team. The fire that lights up and warms the heart of this land and this people is the element from which to start to reveal the new uniform.
Due to its effect, the ice , symbolically represented by the white of the V-collar and that of the shoulders, gradually melts mixing with lava along the sleeves characterized by an almost dotted graphic in which red and blue merge. .
Just the blue, water that melted thanks to the heat, is the distinctive color of the body and the background of the first kitwhich is simple and with clean lines but very accurate in every single detail.
On our online store you can buy the official Errea shirt
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Official T-Shirts
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To emphasize the strong national identity, the pride and the strong sense of community that distinguish the Icelandic people, there are twoiconic elements shown on the new kit: the motto already proposed for the 2016 European Championships “ FYRIR ISLAND ” (“For Iceland”) positioned inside the collar and the national flag applied on the back of the shirt.
Accompanying the new uniform and the entire communication campaign, the claim ” Legends are born without warning” combined with the powerful and epic image of geysers , one of the most surprising and spectacular phenomena of the earth’s surface. Rare and present only in very particular areas of the world including Iceland, the land par excellence of these incredible springs, the geysers best represent the strength and energy of this national team that has been able to unite, in its peculiar identity, organization, play dynamic and great energetic spirit.
A team that can no longer consider itself just a “splendid outsider” but that in a very short time has been able to win the attention, favor and spotlight on the world stage. All this with the awesome power and explosive force of a geyser.
The new Ksi uniforms, like all Errea garments, are Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified. This prestigious certification, obtained by the company in 2007 as the first company in Europe in the teamwear sector, guarantees that all Errea fabrics and products are not toxic or harmful to health in compliance with the main international regulations and in compliance with the highest and most recognized quality and safety standards. [/ vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]
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And don’t forget to cheer Iceland together with Take part in our #TeamIceland event!
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