When we talk about declining edema we are referring to edemas that mainly affect the lower limbs, ie the legs. But what exactly is it
What are edemas
What are they caused
What are the symptoms
What we must do in these cases
In this article we will try to answer together all your questions about declining edema, trying to understand together what they are, from what they are caused, if they involve risks or not and, above all, what needs to be done to solve this situation.

What are edemas
In medical jargon, when we talk about edema, we refer to a condition in which there is an accumulation of fluids in the interstitial spaces of our body. This situation generally manifests itself with swelling which, in turn, is one of the most recurrent symptoms of many other pathologies.
This swelling most commonly affects the lower limbs , including the feet, ankles, and legs. However, this does not mean that edemas affect only and exclusively these parts of the body, but can also manifest themselves in a widespread way, or involve the hands and even the face.
In general, edemas are more frequent in people who have onecertain age and in pregnant women, but anyone can suffer from edema. Furthermore, usually, when it comes to a widespread edema throughout the body, it could be associated with more serious pathologies.
Today, however, we will provide you with a detailed guide on declining edema, not widespread (or generalized) edema. So let’s see what it is exactly in the next paragraph.

What are the downward edemas
What are they caused by

The downward edemas are none other than those edemas mentioned above, which affect only the lower parts of the body, ie the lower limbs.
When we talk about declining edema, we refer to a condition, unfortunately very common, in which the legs appear swollen in an abnormal way, to the point of making it impossible to distinguish between ankle and calf.
Among the main causes that lead to declining edema, we certainly find the fact of leading a particularly sedentary life, in which we are always seated and do little movement.
Starting from the assumption that an edema derives from an altered capillary exchange, among the main causes of this condition we remember above all those mentioned below:

  • Taking certain medications that may promote swelling in the legs;
  • The presence of infectious states or particular lesions;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Diseases affecting the thyroid gland;
  • Blood pressure too high or too low;
  • Diseases affecting the liver;
  • Heart disease;
  • Consumption of excessively salty foods;
  • The bites of some insects;
  • The presence of a pregnancy or the menstrual cycle as it would lead to an alteration of the hormones which, in turn, can cause edema;
  • The presence of dysfunctions of the lymphatic channels;
  • Some food allergies;
  • A sedentary life in which we sit too long, or stand too long;
  • The presence of varicose veins;
  • The presence of some pathological conditions that can be very serious, for example lymphoma or hepatitis.

As you can see, the appearance of edema in the legs can be caused by various factors, including the presence of even serious pathological conditions. For this reason, as soon as we notice changes, or the symptoms we will discuss later, it is advisable to contact your doctor.

What are the symptoms of declining edema
Before talking specifically about the peculiar characteristics of edema, we must remember that edema is itself a symptom and, as such, the ways in which it manifests itself depend precisely on the causes that caused it.
For example, if the leg edema was caused by trauma, we will notice the following symptoms:

  • Swelling;
  • A hematoma where the trauma occurred (ie a bruise);
  • Pain;
  • Difficulty moving the affected limb.

If, on the other hand , the declining edema was caused by a defect in the venous circulation , then the symptoms will be slightly different, for example the following:

  • Swelling of the ankles;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the limbs, especially at the end of the day;
  • Itching;
  • Skin tension;
  • Difficulty walking.

Furthermore, the main symptom that allows us to understand that we have a descending edema is the one that is highlighted when we go to put pressure on the leg, or in any case on the area where there is the swelling.
In fact, in the presence of edema, by applying pressure, for example with a finger, as soon as we remove the finger, a dimple will remain, which is commonly called fovea and, in a certain sense, is considered as the distinctive character of edema caused by a problem of a pathological nature.

How should we behave to resolve the situation
Just as it happens for any other problem that affects our body, as soon as we see that something is wrong it is necessary to go to the doctor, especially if our legs are particularly swollen and painful, as in the case of edema.
Intuitively, the treatment we will have to undergo to resolve this situation depends on the cause that triggered it. It will be up to the doctor, through specific tests, to understand the origin of your problem and, therefore, to identify the best treatment for your case.
In general we can say that the most used treatments for the treatment of edema, or in any case of the pathology that possibly caused it, we certainly find the following:

  • Diuretic drugs;
  • Removal of any mechanical vascular obstructions;
  • Low-sodium diets;
  • ACE inhibitors, especially if the problem concerns our cardiovascular system.

Diuretic drugs and the recommendation to follow a low-salt diet are certainly the best treatment for edema in the legs as they counteract the stagnation of liquids and, therefore, also the aggravation of the situation.
In addition to the treatment that will be recommended to us by our doctor, it is advisable to follow some small precautions and, if necessary, we can resort to some natural remedies which we will discuss better in the next paragraph.

There are natural remedies for declining edema
First of all, to favor the restoration of the normal situation in the case of edema in the legs, we must keep in mind to avoid always staying in the same position during the day.
For example, if we do paperwork and sit all the time, it would be best to try to change positions from time to time, get up and take small walks to promote blood and lymph circulation.
Among the natural remedies , however, we can use the following products famous above all for their pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Arnica-based ointments;
  • Creams or gels based on aloe vera;
  • Products based on escin, a substance derived from horse chestnut seeds;
  • Products based on bromelain, a substance that is extracted from pineapple.

In addition to these natural remedies, you must remember to drink plenty of water and to keep your legs slightly raised above the rest of the body, especially when you are lying down, so as to promote the reabsorption of liquids and circulation.

How we can prevent edema
As with many other conditions, even in the case of edema the best treatment is certainly prevention which is based above all on the following points:

  • Follow a diet that does not contain excessive amounts of salt;
  • Avoid consuming a large amount of fried foods;
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages;
  • Wear elastic stockings that favor the rise of liquids;
  • If you suffer from problems of this type, undergo draining massages from time to time;
  • Consume the right amount of diuretic foods, such as beets, green beans, asparagus, garlic, onion, pumpkin, pineapple, grapes and green leafy vegetables.
  • Do the right physical activity;
  • Remember to keep your legs elevated at night;
  • Avoid fatty meats and prefer the consumption of lean meats and fish.

If you follow these small precautions we assure you that you will minimize the risk of experiencing leg edema with all its possible complications.
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