To refresh the house without having to face an excessively expensive expense, it is enough to focus on creativity and, without necessarily resorting to a renovation, choose the most suitable colors to completely transform the environments.
There are many paints on the market but it is important to evaluate well, during the purchase phase, the one that is right for you. Above all, it is good to consider the possibility of using paints as free as possible of chemical agents which, in the long run, could cause damage to both health and the environment.
Never heard of eco friendly paints
Your home will take on a totally new look and for a top environment you can also benefit from always clean air, thanks to the use of products with natural ingredients that do not include any type of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds).
During the purchase phase, check that the appropriate ECOLABEL ecological quality mark of the European Union is present to ensure that you are investing in truly quality products, from every point of view.
Let’s try to better understand what are the real advantages and the evaluations to make when you decide to repaint your home, also comparing these products with the more classic paints, harmful as they are made with petrochemical synthesis components.10+ advantages of an eco-sustainable choice
Assuming that the use of ecological products does not affect the final result that will appear as an absolutely homogeneous coverage – to a greater extent than traditional compounds -, natural paints enjoy numerous other advantages: naturally, the first and foremost is the health of those who live in the house, followed by the low environmental impact ; breathability is equally fundamental, as it represents one of the major problems associated with chemical paints.
They are odorless , so it will not be necessary to air the room for many hours after drafting; they are very resistant, both with respect to wear and to chemical agents and scratches; applicable on any type of surface, they also maintain the same shades of color, even when exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.
Compared to classic acrylic paints, they enjoy a variety of tones and a remarkable chromatic amplitude. In this sense, some colors will be less of an impact since the natural lands have softer but much warmer colors, consequently more harmonious and relaxing even from a psychological point of view.
Finally, by fundamentally exploiting the surplus agricultural raw materials, both during production and use, they do not create any kind of problem.
All important benefits, some of which can really make the difference within some rooms of the house: the breathable factor is in fact essential as the walls should perform the function of natural air filters and, for example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen. , balance the humidity present. This is possible thanks to ecological paints, while many of the classic dyes are poorly breathable. How to choose eco friendly paint
If you are convinced that choosing a natural paint is the best, at this point all that remains is to decide which one to buy. In fact, the market offers various alternatives, all made on the basis of the principle of environmental sustainability, however different for some characteristics.
There are many environmentally friendly paints that use mineral and vegetable ingredients (for example plants and coloring earths joined by casein, starch, milk, beeswax or eggs): you can opt for clay-based paints, among the most popular due to the optimal aesthetic result, made with water and which have a limiting action with respect to the accumulation of dust, consequently also reducing the possibility of allergens forming. Since this paint is particularly suitable for avoiding the onset of mold, it is ideal for particularly humid environments – typically for the bathroom.
Eco – sustainable water-based paints are very easy to use and odorless, perfect for covering both indoor and outdoor surfaces. They stand out for their ability to substantially reduce VOC emissions. An ancient and still very current and effective method are milk-based tinctures , suitable for those places where there is not a high level of humidity.
A valid alternative are then varnishes based on vegetable resins which, by their nature, have a bright color, as well as being extremely opaque. They are 100% natural and contain no preservatives whatsoever, which is why they lend themselves perfectly to home wall painting.
As old as milk-based paints are those based on lime which prevent the formation of mold and, in general, have remarkable antibacterial properties.
In addition to the previous proposals, there are paints resulting from innovation and the continuous search for increasingly advanced solutions from a sustainable point of view. Of course, the costs of purchasing such products will be higher, however it can be really worth it.
In this category we identify three types of eco-friendly paints that derive from the recycling of urban waste and beyond: multifunctional dyes are basically photocatalytic, therefore they exploit a process similar to chlorophyll photosynthesis to convert harmful substances into other compounds, consequently promoting safety. for human health inside your home. They are also self-cleaning and reflective so they significantly reduce the heat, especially in the summer season.
Nanotechnological paints , as suggested by the name itself, exploit advanced techniques and components thanks to which they are not only insulating and reflective of the sun’s rays but also water-repellent, self-cleaning and applicable on any surface.
Last but not least are the products based on perlite , a substance capable of increasing thermal resistance as the surrounding temperature decreases which makes them extremely insulating as well as perfect bactericidal. Eco-sustainable houses with natural paints: how to paint
them After this brief excursus that summarizes the many possibilities of choosing between ecological paints of various kinds, it will be up to you to select the one you like best and that best meets the needs of your living environment.
So here are some tips to finish with a flourish, in relation to the method of drafting the eco-friendly paint chosen.
In order of difficulty, you can opt for a sponging, among the less complex techniques to give an extra touch to your wall: it is used on walls usually already painted in a uniform color and, very simply, you proceed by dabbing (depending on the pressure, you will get different results).
Cenciatura ( or tanning ) is done in a similar way to sponging, but with the help of rags or fabrics that will be passed directly on the paint just laid, so as to create different motifs.
Thanks to brushes (or alternatively cloths) it is possible to make a glaze : pass a coat of paint darker than the base one, adding a veil of tone-on-tone color that will return different finishes, depending on the chosen technique.
By increasing the difficulty, it is possible to opt for the brushstroke (or patinated ), obtainable thanks to the contrast between two different layers of color. The contrast affects both the colors – the lighter the base, the darker the surface – and the texture – depending on the bristles of the stiff brush used, the color of the upper layer is highlighted or removed.
Finally, the roller technique: there are many types, not only for shape but also for the weaves that can be created depending on the material of the roller that allow you to create various finishes. These materials can be suede, sponge or more or less wrinkled, however you can also choose a “roller with stamp”, to create particular motifs that restore the effect of a print.
Now you have all the basics to activate your creativity and, without further waiting, go out to buy the ecological paint of the color of your choice. Choose the way that most inspires you to paint the walls and start the restyling!