Since the beginning of October, the Vithas Granada Hospital has made a newantigen test available to patients that allows the diagnosis of Covid-19 in 15 minutes . This test is added to the already known PCR and the two types of serological tests (quantitative and qualitative) approved in the European Union.
As Maria Luz Cortinas, director of Vithas Lab in Granada , indicates, “each test is indicated depending on the moment in which the possible contagion occurred.” In other words, “the rapid or antigen test is a quick way to know if a patient with symptomshave the disease or not. However, the best way to know if an asymptomatic patient has the disease, the best test is the PCR “, a slower test that makes the results, normally, the next day, explains Cortinas, who emphasizes that “to know if If you have the disease because you had contact with a positive person and you have no symptoms, it is advisable to take the test –PCR– on the fourth or fifth day after contact.
To carry out both tests, PCR and antigen test, a nasopharyngeal sample is neededof the patient, without the need for specific instruments. In the case of rapid tests, in addition to the time to know the result, there is another important advantage and that is that, in the case of a positive, it allows to act earlier to initiate therapeutic and isolation guidelines early, both for the patient and his or her family. close environment.
The PCR and the antigen test require a nasopharyngeal sample from the patient, the serological one a blood sample.
Maria Luz Cortinas comments that the other tests carried out at VithasLab are serological . In this case, the samples are obtained by drawing blood. Within these, a difference is made between the quantitative, which measures, through the Elisa method, if it is positive or negative, indicating the level of antibodies; and the qualitative one that indicates the presence or absence of IgG and IgM antibodies. Cortinas also clarifies that ” symptomatic
patients are treated directly in the Hospital Emergency Department, while the rest, those who are suspicious for whatever reason, are treated at the Hospital by appointment, or also by going directly from Monday to Friday to starting at 12:00 p.m. We make an appointment for them on an outpatient basis and we carry out the tests”, insisting again, “but if they are symptomatic, they will have to go to the Emergency Room”.
Vithas Lab performs the four types of tests from Monday to Friday from 12:00 noon at the Hospital
. Any patient who wishes can have this test performed at the Vithas Hospital. There are companies that cover this type of test and others that do not, so it will be the insured patients who will have to previously inform their company to find out if it can be carried out through the insurer. Maria Luz Cortinas advises and advises those who come to the Hospital with concerns, so that they carry out the most recommended test according to the situation of each case , because as she underlines “each test has its purpose and type of patient, and there is a lot of confusion about this among the population, so it is necessary to explain them well”.
These first weeks the rapid tests are being highly requested due to the immediacy of the result, and as Cortinas points out “we are doing many tests and many positives are also coming out “. The procedure after the test result is that “positive results are considered a critical result, which means that VithasLab transfers these patients to the doctor as critical, and it is the doctor who directly contacts them to give you the pertinent instructions”.
The antigen test, which is why it is a new diagnostic test, whose main advantage is that it allows health professionals to more quickly determine the existence of the virus, which allows them to act quickly and initiate therapeutic and isolation guidelines early.
VithasLab, the hospital laboratory
Mariluz Cortinas explains in more detail what VithasLab is. It is an independent laboratory that works for Vithas hospitals, but also has many other clients. The headquarters is in Vigo and it has almost 300 sample collection points throughout the national territory. The Vigues biodiagnostic center is divided into three divisions: Human, Bromatology and Environment; and Veterinary. VithasLab since 1981 has highly experienced and qualified professionals, in addition to having advanced technology and certified quality systems that allow us to offer a diagnosis in the shortest possible time.
The Humana Division is divided into the departments of clinical analysis (which includes biochemistry, hematology, immunoanalysis, microbiology and allergies, among others); of genetics (which has a DNA bank, all kinds of genetic tests, paternity and kinship tests, or the possibility of establishing a genetic fingerprint), and of toxicology, where an evaluation, assessment and supervision of the results of toxic in the analytical tests performed. All VithasLab divisions and works are marked by quality as a transversal and common objective to all VithasLab processes.