How many times have it happened to postpone appointments because with your hair to wash and you don’t have time to do it, dry it and style it
OR how many times have you gone out with your hair pulled back in high tails or buns held in place by kilos of gel and hairspray, because the hair was not very presentable
There is a quick, painless and effective solution to give new life to hair that is not exactly fresh from washing and to keep it going until the next day, but not only. It is also a useful product to create volume , hairstyles and give thickness to fine hair … and dry shampoo , an ally of many “bad hair days”, days when the hair just doesn’t want to know! What is dry shampoo and what is its main use
Dry shampoo is nothing more than a product available in spray or in free powder , to be sprayed or applied on the skin and which has the power to absorb excess sebum from the hair, making it immediately appear clean and without a shiny and greasy patina. Contains starch, talc and purifying ingredients that help absorb excess sebum from the hair and is so very useful in the case of a sudden invitation, when you want to have a clean hair effect quickly or is a salvation for those who wear bangs , not to having to wash it every day. It is also a perfect trick for those with dirty haireasily, because it allows you to extend the time between one wash and the next .
Source: Instagram
It is used without water , by steaming or dropping the free powder on the skin, then dividing the hair into sections so as to cover the whole head. It is better to localize the application without going down on the lengths, otherwise the effect will be dry and frizzy and, above all, all hair will be dull, dull and dusty. Once the dry shampoo has been applied, leave it on for 1 – 2 minutes then proceed to massage and rub the entire scalp with your fingers, to eliminate excess. If you have straight hair you can also brush it to remove any remnants of white powder, in the case of wavy hair or with a fold that you do not want to ruin, it is better to direct the jet of the hairdryer.
Important and do not overdo the amount of product applied, otherwise you will see a white patina on the whole skin and the effect will no longer be clean hair, but dirty, dusty with residues similar to the appearance of dandruff. The effect lasts for 10 – 12 hours , that is to say a day from morning to evening, but not acting on the skin, but only on the hair, to obtain a real cleansing it is necessary to clean it with the classic shampoo.
Source: 123rf The ally of fine, thin and not very voluminous hair
GliClassic dry shampoos are composed of a white powder , but there are also colored ones , especially for those with dark hair , on which the standard version is always likely to be seen more. If the white powder is camouflaged on light hair, in fact, on black or very dark ones it gives a slightly grayish effect. Therefore, dry brown shampoos can be used , also useful in the case of a few millimeters of white regrowth, to camouflage it, but there are also versions for light brown, red and black shades.
Dry shampoo is also useful for example after sports sessionsintense, so as not to constantly wash the hair that would weaken and damage or when you are sick and it is better to avoid wetting the hair. But, another useful effect of dry shampoo is the volumizing one : by absorbing the sebum, which flattens the hair, and massaging the powder that sticks to the base of the hair, these will appear more lifted and therefore voluminous . It is a product that is so indispensable for those who have very fine hair or for those who do not have many , but at the same time it is also a valid ally for creating hairstyles .. Those with fine or very straight hair, in fact, often complain of a lack of hold because the hair tends to slip. In this case, the dry shampoo works as a “grip”, making them a little more rough and full-bodied , so that it is easier to create hairstyles and make them last longer. A bit like backcombing your hair, but without having to untangle it and without ruining it.
Source: Instagram Be careful not to abuse it or dandruff is lurking
If you use dry shampoo , however, remember that it is not a substitute for the classic wash and consequently it cannot be stratified. You can use it once, maximum twice before shampooing, without abusing it, otherwise you risk occluding the folliclesof the scalp and to make the dreaded dandruff appear . In addition to this, it is common for the head to itch, precisely because not only has it not actually been cleansed, but the product has accumulated and settled on the skin. And, even the eye wants its part, even if it uses little, by stratifying it, the whitish and dusty patina will be visible and the hair will no longer look as if it had just been washed.