The house in dreams
In dreams, the house represents the interior dimension , the personality of the dreamer, even if it is an unknown house. This dream expresses some fundamental aspects of the dreamer. It is in fact the dream materialization of the psyche, of feelings and emotions. For example , a tidy house reveals balance contrary to a dirty one which is a symptom of inner suffering.
The external state of the dream house reveals how the dreamer feels physically, the physical changes due to diseases, the passing of time, a pregnancy, etc. In another respect, the dreamed house shows what the dreamer really desires, depending on what is visualized in it. If the house is richly furnished, the desire is for greater comfort, greater stability and economic availability .
If the house is inhabited by family members, if the atmosphere is joyful and warm, then family, relationships, love and affection come first. If it is silent, perhaps the desire is to have a more peaceful and relaxed life. The facade of the house, on the other hand, represents the public image, that is, what one wants to show to others that does not always reflect what is instead contained in its interior, which instead refers to the intimate and family sphere.
The rooms that make up the house also have their own specific meaning. Freud recognizes the “body- home” link , but he also sees represented in it family and marital relationships and all that is linked to the close relational circle. Jung sees in the housethe archetype of the relationships and bonds that man has been able to create with his fellow men but also with himself. According to this thought, as mentioned above, the facade of the house will be a social image of the dreamer, the upper floors will be dedicated to the conscious functions and the lower ones and the cellar to the unconscious ones.
Being therefore the mirror of our psychophysical reality, the house in dreams will follow the evolution and growth of the dreamer and consequently could change its appearance, size, shape over time.
I dreamed of being in a beautiful and spacious house, which I did not know, but which, however, was mine. Inside was my family … What does it mean to dream of a dilapidated house:it relates to profound changes in your life in recent times or to the need to rebuild a broken relationship. But it also symbolizes profound tiredness and stress that could lead you to a psychophysical breakdown, of hopes and dreams. new under construction: you are building or rebuilding your personality after a period of stress or depression and stillness. It can also indicate a marked economic and social improvement. change it: it is clear that you would like to change something in you that you do not like but from which you escape instead of acting, instead of accepting that part of you as well and working to improve it. that burns: you would like to make a clean break with the past, definitively eliminate everything that once was. In this case, fire takes on a purifying as well as destructive role. flooded : your emotions are holding you hostage. You are at the mercy of instinct and struggle to maintain a balance, an emotional but also economic stability. Try to take back the reins of your life. little one: you suffer from an ill-concealed sense of inferiority, you do not have confidence in yourself and in your abilities which are there and are just waiting to be revealed and re-evaluated. great:your ego is proportional to the size of the dreamed house. Consequently, it is evident that you are a little too bold, a little too certain of your charm, of your abilities. Check yourself and you will certainly be more appreciated. with ghosts: memories of the past that re-emerge to fill you with melancholy. In some cases even anger for some situation that has always remained unresolved, a wound that still bleeds when you think about it. shaky: lack of balance, emotional or economic stability. But also little desire to put things right in one way or another. The house, that is you, could collapse at any moment if you do not act promptly. full of relatives:you feel observed, tested, evaluated and weighed. You are probably going through a period of particular stress at work and this is making you anxious and tense. full of strangers: they can represent aspects of yourself with which you need to confront, repressed or hidden aspects of your character that pushes you to come out. with many rooms: they represent the facets of your character, what you see and what is personal and intimate. This sometimes confuses you and struggles to understand each other. old and crumbling: old habits and die hard beliefs as well as the old ways of being that you have always adopted. But it can mean the need to update and modernize your thinking.your old house : it represents nostalgia for the period of your life in which you lived in that house or for the people who lived with you. Some regrets related to the past, to the memory awakened by sensations that have taken you back in time. razed to the ground : you have probably suffered great disappointments, so scorching as to have brought down your hopes, your dreams. Maybe a finished love, the loss of a relative, a failure… dirty: you absolutely have to take care of yourself, detoxify yourself from bad thoughts, anxiety and neglect. Not only on a psychological level but also on a physical level. React and take back control. without walls:you feel spied on and observed, judged in your most intimate dimension. Someone makes you feel this way, intimidates you and bothers you at the same time, making you feel at their mercy. skyscraper: represents the dishonor that can be achieved due to an immeasurable desire for supremacy over others. Avoid disparaging, humiliating attitudes towards those who are less fortunate than you. hut: you are exposing your reality by taking stock of your life. The outcome is not the best because the hut symbolizes a not very happy period. Dream Interpretation and House Lot Numbers
beautiful 8
ugly 90
small 11
large 25
new 3
old 27
empty 18
dilapidated 50
under construction 13
on fire 30