Prime Minister Mario Draghi signed the new Prime Minister’s Decree (Dpcm) with the list of services and servicesessential activities to access whichyou will not need the green certificate. Skipped the rule that gave the possibility to access post offices without a green pass to collect the pension: instead, the green certificate will be needed.
From 1 February, the green pass will not be required for supermarkets, pharmacies, parapharmacies and petrol stations, but it will not be possible to purchase non-primary goods.
Even in essential activities, where you can access without the green pass, random checks will be carried out. And what is foreseen by the draft of the Dpcm that the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, is expected to sign in the next few hours.
“In the current emergency context”the only activities exempted can be “only those of a food nature and first necessity, health, veterinary, justice and personal safety”, we read in the draft of the Dpcm that the Prime Minister Mario Draghi will sign in the next few hours.
The exclusion of tobacconists is confirmed in the list: to buy cigarettes you will need the green pass .
For “food needs and basic necessities” it will be possible to access not only in food stores but also in “non-specialized” ones, but “with a prevalence of food and beverage products” such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount stores, mini markets and other ” various food “. Access without the green pass will also be allowed at gas stations, in shops that sell wood, pellets and any type of fuel for domestic use and for heating, “specialized and non-specialized businesses in hygienic-sanitary articles”, pharmacies, parapharmacies and other articles “specialized for the sale of medical, orthopedic and optical items, including those not subject to medical prescription”. Pharmacies and law enforcement offices. “Access is always allowed for the procurement of pharmacies, medical devices and, in any case, to health and social health structures as well as to veterinary ones for all purposes of prevention, diagnosis and treatment”. Without the green pass, you will also be able to go to the offices of the police forces and those of the local police forces to “ensure the carrying out of institutional activities that cannot be postponed”, “for the prevention and repression of offenses”Post offices. Therefore, the rule that provided for the possibility of entering post offices and banks without a green pass, but only to collect “pensions or emoluments not subject to the obligation of accreditation”, has been skipped.
The measures will be in effect from 1 February, the day on which the compulsory pass for shops, banks, post offices and public offices will take effect. The duration of the green pass will also change on the same day, from 9 to 6 months. What will no longer be mandatory from January 31st
A series of prohibitions introduced with the Christmas Eve decree will end: without an extension, in fact, the outdoor mask in the white area will no longer be mandatory, it will be possible to return to organize parties and discos will reopen, all measures that expire on the 31st. January, provided that no extensions of the ban are introduced based on the trend of the epidemic, introducing the possibility that even in these contexts, random checks are carried out by shop owners, to prevent the rule from being circumvented by no vaxes.

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