“A patrimonial on financial activities to have 50 billion a year for five years to be used for development purposes”. This is the proposal of Giovanni Dosi , an economist close to the 5 Star Movement of Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio. Dosi yesterday attended a conference organized by the Pentastellati in the Chamber. Here is who was there and what was said. 5-STAR INNOVATION
The State in the economy, a bulky, dated, if not uncomfortable presence or a precious ally in the recovery
For the M5Sthere is little doubt. If private individuals combine disasters then a public hand is better, as long as they know how to handle commands. The reflection was at the center of a long debate yesterday in the Chamber, entitled that it is a whole program: the innovative state. In addition to professors close to the pentastellato movement, leading exponents of the Five Stars, and not only the Five Stars, participated, including Laura Castelli , Davide Casaleggio , Nunzia Catalfo, Luigi Di Maio , Giorgio Airaudo , Massimo Mucchetti and Rocco Palese . MORE STATE, LESS MARKET
The M5s therefore focuses on innovation and the role of the state to promote it. The starting point is the following
“The crisis has given us a fundamental lesson, namely that the state must not withdraw, it cannot leave the leadership of the community to the market and to self-referential finance that has damaged the real economy. But at the same time the public sector cannot intervene in a confused way, in search of newspaper headlines, of easy consensus. The money of the Italians should not be wasted ”, and the vulgate grillina that emerged from the conference in Montecitorio. In other words, a lot and badly was spent, when instead it was enough to guarantee targeted investments in the most troubled sectors of the economy. Some sectors have been mentioned such as Tlc , aka the privatization of Telecom, equated by the defendants to a kind of gift, and transport. THE STATE OF THE PRIVATE BETTER
But for Luigi Di Maio, vice president of the Chamber and candidate for prime minister in pectore for M5S, the situation can still improve. Especially if, as announced on the sidelines of the event, the Movement “is ready to govern”. The state “can do more and better. Unlike private individuals , the state has the resources, the time and the overview to face the risk of investing in as yet unexplored technologies. Therefore it can and must assume the role of an innovative state in society, guiding and assisting the action of individuals in the discovery, development and commercialization of new technologies “. BUT ON ONE CONDITION
However, there is an essential condition, without which it is better to stay still. There must be no shadow of a conflict of interest. “Every type of intervention in the state or in the economy presupposes a basic concept: whoever is in government must not have conflicts of interest that prevent the interventions or modifications of the state to the economic model. We must eliminate all forms of conflict of interest so that politics is free to act for the good of the country ”, Di Maio clarified. SCRAPPING THE FISCAL COMPACT
However, we must never forget that being in a European context, we cannot think of making revolutions without first softening, if not setting aside, some European rules. And here is the turn of the professors, represented for the occasion by Giovanni Dosi, director of the Institute of Economics at Sant’Anna in Pisa. Nothing can be done if it does not put the Fiscal compact in the attic, which throttles the economies. “Austerity and flexibility have failed. we must free ourselves from the noose of the fiscal compact “and focus on” investments. Only in this way can new jobs be created ”, explained Dosi. “We must start by recognizing that austerity has failed, not only in terms of growth, but also of repaying the debt”. WHICH IMU, THE BETTER THE SUPER ASSETS
The professor then addressed the issue of resources with which to finance investments. Touching one of the hottest issues or the pressing of Europe for the reintroduction of the IMU. “It should be introduced as a matter of justice but it doesn’t bring home a lot of money. Rather, I would propose an extraordinary tax on financial activities: it does not mean taking money away from old ladies, but hitting large financial assets that can afford it and are high because they have never paid taxes “. And once you have found the resources, what to invest in
“Reorganization of the territory, research into medicine and welfare for innovative models of care for the elderly and the disabled”. And again, continues Dosi: “relaunch university research, industry 4.0 done seriously, as ambitious as the German one, and then green”. THE CITIZENSHIP INCOME
In recent days, Dosi appreciated the citizenship income proposed by M5S, as revealed by an interview with Fatto Quotidiano, and also indicated the coverage: “The Five Stars should say that the 80 euros were a degrading alms, so that’s enough . A lot of that money, to tell the truth, was not even spent, went to repay debts or became savings because they were afraid. Citizenship income would be perceived as real income, which would be used as a source of income, with a higher multiplier effect on expenditure ”. There are easier covers to obtain
, asks Stefano Feltriof the fact. Dosi’s response: “I would also increase the personal income tax rates above 100,000 euros, from 43 to 45 percent, then maybe 48 to above 250,000. The idea that taxes are bad for your health is wrong ”. EXTRAORDINARY TAX ON FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES
Another hypothesis to “find resources” useful for development, according to Dosi, is “Pietro Modiano’s proposal: a patrimonial tax on financial activities, to have 50 billion a year for five years. The financial assets held by Italians amount to approximately 3,500 billion. By excluding all the weakest categories of savers, it is still possible to intervene “.

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