Fatigue can have a thousand causes and determining its origin often becomes complicated even for an insider. However, there are cases where the symptoms suggest a kidney disorder, which can lead to a whole series of health consequences. Many of these were listed by the American newspaper Times LifeSyle. Here’s how to recognize the symptoms and, if necessary, request further diagnostics. Renal failure
One of the most common symptoms of kidney failure is excessive fatigue, while other symptoms – if at an early stage – often go unnoticed. On the other hand, fatigue and drowsiness could, among other things, also suggest a malfunction of the kidneys. This is because the kidney secretes a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO), which is directly linked to the production of red blood cells. Now, we all know that the latter are vital for the diffusion of oxygen in all body tissues. All of this negatively affects the functioning of muscles and the brain. This determines a more or less evident drop in energy, in some cases accompanied by other typical signals: Shortness of breath
Following moderate effort, many people experience shortness of breath. Generally this condition is due to two factors: the first is that the excess fluids present in the body can accumulate in the lungs. And the second is anemia caused by a lower production of erythropoietin. Additionally, your breath may have an ammonia-like odor. Cold and tiredness
It is a fairly typical sensation that people who have little oxygen develop. The reduced production of EPO, gives rise to anemia which, in turn, gives us a feeling of cold. Pain in the side and kidney problems
In some cases, people with kidney disease may also experience pain in the side, particularly in the upper back, near the kidneys. That said, it is important to underline that there are many people who do not witness similar events. But they are more likely to show up in people with kidney stones, infections, or polycystic kidney disease. Dizziness and kidney problems Dizziness
, weakness, feeling faint are symptoms that can occur from time to time in patients with kidney problems – always accompanied by tiredness. This is generally associated with a reduced ability to concentrate / think and lack of memory. Swelling , tiredness and kidney problems
Reduced kidney function could cause swelling in the ankles but also in the hands and feet. The kidneys, in fact, failing to remove fluids from the body, tend to cause them to accumulate in the upper and lower limbs. But not only that: in some patients even a slightly swollen face is evident. Blood tests to do
Generally in case of suspected kidney failure, the doctor may request glomerural filtration, called eGFR: here are the evaluation criteria according to the National Kidney Foundation.

  • Stage 1: Normal eGFR ≥ 90 mL / min for 1.73 m 2 persistent albuminuria
  • Stage 2: eGFR between 60-89ml / min for 1.73m 2
  • Stage 3: eGFR between 30 and 59ml / min for 1.73m 2
  • Stage 4: eGFR between 15 to 29ml / min for 1.73m 2
  • Stage 5: eGFR’s
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