Green light from the Council of Ministers, after more than two hours of meeting, to the dl with the new anti-Covid squeeze, which provides for the super green pass for those over 50 in the workplace and the obligation for those who have exceeded the threshold of 50 years and and without work. However, the text that provided for the display of the reinforced vaccination passport to access services and shops, after the strong resistance expressed during the Council of Ministers by the League, ceased to exist. The new anti Covid squeeze
Vaccination obligation for “over 50” until June 15, employees without suspended green passes and without salary, “basic” pass to go to banks, post offices and shops. The government is tightening up to try to stem the wave of new infections, a flurry of new measures that make it increasingly difficult to go around without having the vaccine, even if it is only over 50 that it will be mandatory to have the injection.
In the draft of the decree developed by the government we read that the vaccination obligationfor the prevention of Covid infection “it applies to Italian citizens and citizens of other EU Member States residing in the territory of the State who have reached the age of 50”. Obviously, “the obligation does not exist in the event of an ascertained danger to health. In such cases, vaccination can be omitted or deferred”. Only those cured of Covid will be able to avoid the vaccine , “the successful immunization following a natural disease, proven by the notification made by the attending physician, determines the postponement of the vaccination”. From 15 February, over 50 vaccines are mandatory
The Council of Ministers – explains a note from Palazzo Chigi – approved a decree that aims to “slow down” the growth curve of infections related to the pandemic and to provide greater protection to those categories that are more exposed and are at greater risk of hospitalization. The text introduces the vaccination obligation for all those who have reached the age of 50. For public and private workers aged 50, the Enhanced Green Pass will be required for access to workplaces from next 15th.
Another drastic measure is the extension of the strengthened “green pass ““for employees of both the private and public sectors. Anyone unable to present the document will be suspended from work and will not receive their salary, even if the suspension is” without disciplinary consequences and with the right to keep their job for the suspended worker “.
To go to shops, banks and post offices, the basic” green pass “, the one you get even with a simple swab, will
suffice ., in middle school and high school the Dad will trigger (for 10 days) with only 4 positives. In primary schools, however, “in the presence of a case of positivity in the class, surveillance with rapid or molecular antigen tests is applied, to be repeated after five days”. With two positive cases, however, “integrated digital teaching is applied to the class for ten days”. Finally, in first and second grade secondary schools “up to two cases of positivity in the classroom, self-monitoring is applied to the class with the use of Ffp2 type masks and with face-to-face teaching; with three cases of positivity in the classroom, for those who have not completed the primary vaccination course for less than one hundred and twenty days,
Finally, “with at least four positive cases in the class , integrated digital teaching is applied to the same class for ten days”. In addition, there will be free rapid antigen tests for first and second grade secondary school students subject to self-monitoring. A measure that, according to the draft, would apply until February 28 to “ensure the tracing of Covid-19 infections”. PA-Work recommend using smartworking
Regarding Smart working, the Council of Ministers was informed by the Minister of Public Administration, Renato Brunetta, that a circular was adopted in agreement with the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando to public administrations and private companies to recommend maximum use , in the coming weeks, of the flexibility envisaged by the contractual agreements in terms of agile work. Palazzo Chigi reports it. Smart working: Brunetta-Orlando circular on use
A circular was signed by the ministers for the public administration, Renato Brunetta, and for labor, Andrea Orlando, to sensitize public administrations and private employers to fully use the flexibility tools that the sector’s disciplines already allow on the use of smart working. Government sources make it known.
A great test of shared responsibility – continue the same sources – which sees the whole world of work united to organize smart working in an intelligent and flexible way, within the framework of the rules in force and on the basis of actual needs, combining the full operation of public services and economic activities with maximum safety for workers and users.Draghi: “Measures to preserve hospitals and push vaccines”
“Today’s measures want to preserve the proper functioning of hospitals and, at the same time, keep schools and businesses open. We want to slow the growth of the contagion curve and push the Italians who have not yet vaccinated to do so. We intervene in particular on the age groups who are most at risk of hospitalization to reduce the pressure on hospitals and save lives “. So did Prime Minister Mario Draghi during the Council of Ministers.