An anti-war hymn, narrating in music and words the rebirth that takes place after a conflict. It is this diamond, “Diamante” the single that Zucchero wrote together with Francesco De Gregori in 1989, destined to become one of the most loved and well-known songs of the Italian song. The universality of the message that “Diamante” conveyed made the piece famous all over the world. It was translated into several languages ​​and performed by Mia Martini, Fabio Concato and Anna Oxa. Because it’s called “Diamond”
Diamante was the name of Zucchero’s grandmother and it is to her that the author dedicates the piece. In fact, Zucchero’s voice takes us to the countryside of the Po Valley, where grandmother Diamante lived with her husband and her children. The sweet memory of the grandmother is returned by the bucolic atmosphere that Zucchero’s voice paints with immense delicacy. A journey through time through the smells and suggestions of a countryside that is reborn with the end of the war under the sign of a purifying rain. And in the almost panic, that is, all-encompassing fusion of the ego with the surrounding landscape, the encounter with the you, or grandmother Diamante, takes place.
I will breathe
The smell of the granaries
And peace for those who will be there
And for the bakers
will be And rain you will beAn anti-war song
The lyrics of the song evoke the rebirth that follows the end of a war. A spiritual rebirth, but also physical and material, embodied by the image of the blooming snowfields, by the vintners who open a shop, by the people who return to stroll along the streets of the town. But perhaps the most emblematic and poetic image of the entire text is the vision of “soldiers and brides” dancing against the light. Two dark, almost stylized figures become the symbol of a rediscovered serenity after the war, where dance represents a space of freedom, a liberating gesture from the austerity of war. In the dance of those two newly reunited spouses, where he still wears the soldier’s uniform, there is the rediscovered sense of a community that comes back to life. Where the war has given way to dance, to the scent of the ovens, to the intoxication of wine, On Sunday. The photograph of an instant without space and time, destined to remain imprinted on those who have lived the experience of peace after the greatest storm ever, the war.
Pass soldiers and brides together (dance in the dark)
Dancing softly against the light
Multiplying our voices (sing in the dark)
Soldiers and brides hand in hand
Sunday, Sunday We will learn to walk
And then the invitation to get up, to rebuild, to move the steps in a world made of rubble, where even adults – who no longer know how to cry – must learn to walk, where the steps serve to bridge the gap between those who have remained and those who have gone. But it is in the voices that multiply, in the clasping hands, that a message of hope returns for what it will be. Thus ends the passage, under a diamond sky, in which the image and memory of dear grandmother Diamante relive.
We will learn to walk
Hand in hand with walking
Sunday The text
I will breathe
The smell of the granaries
And peace for those who will be there
And for the bakers
Rain I
will be And rain you will be
My eyes will clear
up And the snow fields will bloom We will
learn to walk
Hand in hand together to walk
They waited for that the
vinai open The bigger they seem to
you And you will be bigger
New distances
will bring us closer
From the top of a sky, Diamond
Our eyes will see
Soldiers and brides pass together (dance in the dark)
Dancing slowly against the light
Multiply our voice (sing in the dark)
Soldiers and brides hand in hand
Sunday, Sunday

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