Germany wonders if it has become a country populated by incapable people and led by an inadequate ruling class to face the epidemic crisis. Crushed by an inefficient vaccination plan and popular uprisings against the long lockdown imposed by the government, it seems that it has lost its way as a leading nation of Europe, if it ever was, capable of imposing its voice, most of the times inopportune , on the policies of the Union.
The not brilliant situation in which Germany finds itself, governed for a short time by the Chancellor, has been violently stigmatized by the authoritative weekly Der Spiegel which highlighted the inconsistencies of the vaccination campaign accusing the German authorities of not having been up to it. of the task.
“In the sixteenth year of Chancellor Merkel’s government, – reads the weekly – there is sometimes the sickening sensation of living in a broken country. The old German school teacher, who had the quality mark made in Germany printed in all his notebooks, has become a lazy late-comer who chases internationally ”.
But it is really a “broken” country If, as the correspondent of Corriere della Sera in Berlin Paolo Valentino
wrote last Sunday, “the list of recriminations is long” there is something true. And the journalist cites the most sensational ones that cause discussion in Germany and keep the citizens in apprehension who have turned their backs on Merkel, even in the last local elections ,certainly not a severance pay as the Chancellery expected.
“There has been no prevention, the deregulation of health has deprived the public hand of responsibility, which has never thought about creating stocks of materials needed in cases of health emergencies. Judged useless at first, there were no reserves of masks when it was discovered that they were indispensable. Out of avarice and narrow-mindedness, Berlin did not push hard at the European level for more vaccines to be booked, especially since the first of these had been developed in Germany. With great delay, the federal government took into consideration the rapid tests, which had already been indicated by experts as an effective means of facilitating reopening in the spring of 2020 “. Here is the picture provided by the via Solferino newspaper that motivates the German malaise that Der Spiegel has given voice to.
And it is in any case singular that while it was expected from Germany, which shares the production of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine with the United States, a step adequate to its fame in placing itself at the head of the vaccination campaign and coronavirus contrast, it was necessary to ascertain a surprising setback compared to other European countries together with the resulting social repercussions.
Yet the vaccination campaign had started quite well before Christmas, strangely it broke against the lack of doses, but also of an inexplicable organizational inability that has something sensational: from distribution to scheduling appointments, to digital administration.
And Spiegel, bewildered, writes: “If there was one thing this chancellor knows how to do and manage crises. It is no longer valid. From the second wave, government policy and a chronicle of broken promises ”. And again: Merkel, who seems to handle politics like no other in Europe, suddenly found herself fragile in the face of a crisis of resource management and conflict of interests with the Union’s partners. It was therefore expected that she would bang her fists on the table and feel her weight in procuring vaccines. Which she didn’t do. “About her Her punctual but melodramatic speeches at the Bundestag – according to der Spiegel -, her appeals worried about her sometimes seem like those of a grandmother asking her grandchildren if they are wearing warm enough clothes”.
Germany is therefore no longer a model to follow, as it seemed in the first months of the pandemic. At the time, the death rate was among the lowest in the West, intensive care was not clogged, as in Italy, Great Britain, the United Kingdom and France. Then everything suddenly fell apart between the end of 2020 and the beginning of this year. Mortality rose to over 1,000 units per day in January 2021. And the longest planned lockdown triggered protests that were very lively when non-violent, often uncontrollable. Since the beginning of November, the restrictions have never been relaxed. It is planned to procrastinate them until at least the end of April. Bars, restaurants, entertainment venues are hermetically sealed. The life of relationships, leisure and entertainment in large cities, as in the smallest villages, no longer exists. Many clubs have gone bankrupt. Consumption halved. The economic crisis is causing countless businesses to collapse. A failure across the board, which Merkel’s government is unable to repair.
It is inevitable that the German collapse has obvious political repercussions. The agony of its still strong state economy feeds the anger and unease of the least protected and the most fragile categories. The imminent transition to the top of power promises to be full of unknowns. Even the Franco-German axis is wavering as no one expected to the point that Mario Draghi has established a privileged relationship with Macron with a view to replacing Germany in the couple that leads Europe.
However there is something for everyone. Der Spiegel after having massacred Germany, in the issue on newsstands today, anticipated yesterday, takes it out on Italy and the management of Covid by the Conte government.The title says it all: “He covered up the truth about the Coronavirus deaths”. It is not a revelation since the prosecutors have long moved after the complaints of the families of the victims of the virus.
The indictment is about the past. And for the present
The chaos in the vaccination campaign is such that we cannot predict when it will end. And each region, just to accentuate the confusion, behaves as it wants with regard to bookings, times, categories.
We can console ourselves in knowing that in France too things are bad enough
And Europe is collapsing, without a command and organization center, without a homogeneous health plan, without the hope of solving a catastrophe that risks within a reasonable time. to crush it.

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