“Cyber-security will be a strategic challenge and at the same time a catalyst for recovery for the entire country-system”. Word of the president of DEAS (Defense and systems analysis), Stefania Ranzato , interviewed by Formiche.net to present the “Intelligent cyber security agent” project developed together with the Air Force and presented during the Innovation day of the Italian Army on 25 May last. You can introduce us “DEAS”
What it deals with and what its objectives are
DEAS is an Italian cyber-security company that collects experiences and skills acquired over the years both in the defense sector and in the public administration sector, public companies, critical infrastructures and mainly central administrations. The main objective is to put these experiences and the specific skills of our technicians, therefore engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists, available to work at the service of the security objectives that are declined by the individual administrations, each clearly based on their own objectives and requirements. The logic is that of the partnership in the development of IT assets, protection methodologies and development of advanced analysis methodologies, where all the knowledge in the development of specialized software of code optimization techniques, in terms of performance and safety, it converges in a single objective, which is then well summarized by the acronym of DEAS Spa which is “Defense and systems analysis”. The knowledge acquired through years of experience in the field allows us to operate with the awareness of the importance for some administrations in particular to have partners, rather than suppliers, to invest us first in the excellence of personnel and training and in the achievement of objectives. that are entrusted to us.DEAS presented the “Intelligent cyber security agent” project on the occasion of the Air Force’s Innovation day. What’s this
The project is fully within DEAS’s field of action: to broaden the IT horizons of our country to design and provide new solutions at the service of public administrations and private companies. The “Cyber agent” in particular is a powerful tool for managing and mitigating cyber threats that does not replace humans, but rather supports them. In this case we are talking about “enhanced cyber security features”, ie features based on artificial intelligence systems that enhance human activity in cyber defense operations. In the face of growing digital threats, it is important to provide ICT operators with new technologies and integrated defense solutions.The relationship between man and machine is destined only for a clash and obsolescence of the human element, or a fruitful symbiosis between the two elements is possible
The regulatory framework for artificial intelligence is part of the so-called “Ecosystem of trust” presented by the European Union in the White Paper on artificial intelligence of 19 February 2020. This document also provides guidelines for our country, in particular for regulate the evolution of the relationship between man and machine. The promotion of the responsible use of artificial intelligence is part of the objectives of the European White Paper and is fully respected by DEAS, so that the obligations of the person using a product or service equipped with artificial intelligence are reliable, safe and compliant with the regulations. In the 4.0 world, man and machine will coexist more and more closely even in the fight against the same cyber threats.DEAS’s collaboration with the Air Force: how it is structured and what there is to learn from this type of cooperation
The Air Force has always been the first armed force to take care of the person-machine relationship. Supersonic flight and interaction systems are manifold and aim to amplify the perceptive capacities of the human being precisely to adapt them to extreme operational environments: for example, pilots’ helmets interacting with flight and control systems in general. The DEAS field of activity provides important support for the operational continuity of the military sector in this area. In fact, guaranteeing the continuous execution of critical missions, the so-called “Mission critical operations”, becomes an essential technical precondition.Between resilience and restart, the collaboration between public and private realities seems fundamental. How can it be further enhanced
How important is the issue of cyber-security for recovery and resilience and testified by the recent NRP in the framework of the programmatic guidelines for the public administration, presented on 9 March 2021. The digital transition is identified as a potential accelerator of economic and social growth. only for the digitization of administrative procedures, starting with procurement, but also to enhance cyber protection. DEAS has gained experience in networking and knowledge transfer with some of the main Italian ICT operators, developing ad hoc partnerships for specific objectives if necessary. In this sense, DEAS has the necessary skills to contribute to giving substance and continuity to the lines of action of the NRP.