The return to school is approaching , expected between 7 and 10 January in the various Italian regions, and the topic of face-to-face or remote teaching is getting hot.
For the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi , it is “fundamental to protect face-to-face teaching”, as he has always maintained since the beginning of his mandate, and the Government ‘s objective is to limit the use of lessons from home as much as possible. the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca , would like to postpone the return to school for 20-30 days to “cool the peakof contagion “and to” develop the largest possible vaccination campaign for the student population “. The President of the Campania Region defined it necessary to postpone the reopening of schools, deeming it “a balanced and highly useful measure in light of the situation of infections among the very young”. “It would certainly not be an ideal measure – he admitted – but it would make it possible to resume lessons in the presence in the near future with greater serenity for the students, for the families, for the school staff
. ” of quarantine in schools, among the hypotheses: the differentiation between vaccinated and unvaccinated pupils, which was considered discriminatory by the former mayor of Salerno.
The school unions on January 4 will meet the owner of the Ministry of Education and give the alarm : “The resumption of teaching activities must not reproduce models that have already proved unmanageable. I remember with great concern the experience of the lessons organized in part in presence and partly at a distance. An organizational model that has never guaranteed the quality of the training proposal. Those who follow in the classroom need all the attention of the teacher. Those who are connected online have different times and need to more essential proposals “, Maddalena Gissi, the secretary of the CISL School, told ANSA.
The hypothesis of Vincenzo del Luca clashes with the line of the Dragh governmenti which provides for distance learning only for strict health needs or, in extraordinary cases, due to decisions of the individual Regions if this is in the orange and red zone. Campania, at the moment, is a white area, even if it is not excluded that it may turn yellow, due to the exceeding of the 15% ceiling of ordinary hospitalizations last week and in light of the forecasts on the increase in infections.
On the subject, therefore, a summit is planned in the Campania Region, with the councilor for education, Lucia Fortini, and the leaders of the ASL, for an update on the monitoring of infections in the range from zero to 18 yearsand, based on the data of the new positives, it will be possible to evaluate the closure of schools, in January, at least in the provinces with the highest number of infected people, in order to overcome the resistance of the central government.
After the vaccination obligation for school staff started last December 15, a certain measure to protect against infections in schools and the use of Ffp2 masks by kindergarten teachers, or in primary and secondary school classes where there are pupils exempted from the use of masks for specific reasons. But the vaccination campaign for children aged 5 to 11 is slow (just over 10% vaccinated, according to the latest report) and these measures may not be enough .

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