Andalusia opens from Friday, January 21, the possibility of requesting an appointment to receive the third dose of the covid vaccine to people who are, or turn, 38 years old in 2022 , thus starting the booster doses in people under 40 years old.
In total, all people born from 1973 to 1984 have been added to the vaccine booster against covid this week.
The Andalusian Health Service (SAS) has recalled that the minimum period of time has been loweredthat must elapse from the inoculation of the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to receive the third, so that it is no longer six months that must have elapsed since that second puncture to receive the third, but rather that period has been reduced to five months .

Third doses in pregnant

women In addition, for the vaccination with third doses of pregnant women ” there is no age “, so that any of them, regardless of their age, can go to a vaccination center or request an appointment to be administered that third dose as long as at least five months have passed since you received the second.
According to the latest data, Andalusia has administered until this Wednesday, January 19, a total of 16,429,996 doses of the vaccine against Covid-19, and 7,012,452 Andalusians have the complete vaccination schedule (two doses of Pfizer, Moderna or Astrazeneca , or one from Janssen), while 7,466,290 have at least one dose.
In addition, 2,797,467 people already have third doses, 1,754,523 over 60 years of age and 598,615 Andalusians between 50 and 59 years of age, while the community has given 373,152 vaccines against Covid-19 to those under the age of eleven and five. years, which represents 58.4% of the total.

How can you request an appointment

Once the person identifies himself in one of the appointment channels, he will be offered the possibility of requesting an appointmentor you will be indicated with a message that you do not meet the prioritization criteria at that time.
Private mutual insurance companies and other people with private health insurance can also request an appointment through these appointment channels.

Through ClicSalud+

Access the ClicSalud+ page.
Identify yourself, you can do it with personal data or secure identification. More information.
Press the option Make an appointment for primary care / Vaccination COVID-19.

Through the App Salud Responde

Have the application downloaded and a mobile device.
Download the App for iOS.
Identify. Once the system recognizes you, you will be offered the possibility to make an appointment.

Through the Salud Andalucia App

Have the application downloaded on a mobile device
Press the option ‘Make an appointment for primary care’ and identify yourself by any of the available means

Through the Salud Responde

telephone number Call 955 54 50 60
Identify yourself and request an appointment

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