“I am about to quickly eliminate in Italy, as Macron and Johnson did, the super green pass and masks. For those who are vaccinated Omicron is little more than a cold”, said the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi on Radio Leopolda.
Renzi recalled that “Covid has not disappeared” and “we must still be careful of the worrying signals coming from China” but the choice is to loosen the restrictions anyway as other European countries have already done , the United States and Israel where from the end of February the green pass is no longer necessary.
A line already expressed by the center-right, Lega and Fdi in the lead ,immediately eliminate the green pass , at the end of the state of emergency , scheduled for 31 March.
“The time has come to put an end to this useless and harmful measure. Sign up to ask for the abolition of the green certificate”, writes the president of Fratelli d’Italia Giorgia Meloni on Facebook. Also in the wake of the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini. “From today neighboring France also eliminates the obligation of a Green Pass and mask. And now to return to normalcy also in Italy”, he writes on Twitter, then clarifying the official request to the Government: “With March 31, with the end of the state emergency, remove Green pass, super Green pass, and all prohibitions, limitations and restrictions as the great majority of European countries are doing “.Attentions of the executive and the Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa, on Radio 24: “This week the decree will be approved which provides for a progressive training of the measures, including the Green pass”, he says, arguing that “from 1 April there will be situations where the Green pass will no longer be required. I am thinking first of all of outdoor venues, bars, restaurants and sports activities. Then in May there will be another training session. By the end of May “then the green certificate may” no longer be required “. But that’s two months too long, according to supporters of the stop immediately. Andreoni: “We must learn to live with the virus”
“We must learn to live with an important situation of circulation of the virus, in some months of the year the number of cases will pass from 5,000 to 100 thousand and we will be able to manage this fluctuation based on certain conditions: environmental conditions, people’s behavior and level of immunological protection of the population. The next winters will bring us these situations of peak and descent, the first in winter and then in the quiet summer “. Thus to the Adnkronos Salute agency Massimo Andreoni, head of infectious disease at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome, comments on the increase in Covid cases in the last week.
In this situation of coronavirus endemic, what are the strategies to contain it
“We understood that the vaccine reduces circulation and protects us from serious illness – recalls Andreoni – the mask helps us to avoid risky situations indoors and gatherings outdoors. Then it is clear that we will go towards an annual dose of the vaccine , not a fourth dose, but an annual booster to avoid autumn recrudescences, as is already done for the flu “. And the green pass, what will happen to it
“It served to impose vaccination on some people
– replies Andreoni – I would say that it must be kept according to the epidemic situation,if it is low you can lighten “. Finally, on the stop to the masks indoors, a hypothesis that has been circulating since April, Andreoni is clear:” They must be kept even after the end of the state of emergency, and I would also advise not to take them off at the open when there is crowds “.

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