Andalusia incorporates part of those under forty years of age to the appointment request for the third dose of the covid vaccine. From this Monday, January 17, all people who turn 47 or older in 2022 , can make an appointment to receive the booster dose .
People vaccinated with AstraZeneca or Janssen, regardless of their age, can also request an appointment for the booster dose, according to the information published on the website of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) Clicsalud+.
Appointments remain open for anyone over 5 years of age who has not been vaccinated or needs to receive a second dose.
“We hope they make an appointment,” said the Minister of Health regarding the receptivity of those over 40, since “the 40-year-old age group is very important” after noting that it was the sector of the population with ” greatest rejection after the first vaccine .”
The extension to this age group is part of the commitment of the Public Health Commission to administer the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine to all those over 18 years of age , after the report of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) that advocated the third dose over 18 years, something that the Interterritorial Health Council agreed to carry out in Spain.

From 40 to 45 years old, from January 19
The Minister of Health and Families, Jesus Aguirre, has also advanced today that Andalusians whose ages range between 40 and 45 years, will be able to request an appointment for the souvenir dose from Wednesday, January 19, thus adding the decade over 40 years of age completes the current vaccination plan in Andalusia.
The head of Health in Andalusia has indicated that the people included will be able to request an appointment to receive the third dose or go to the vaccination points without an appointment to be immunized with that third puncture if the term has already been opened for it according to their age.

How can you request an appointment

Those interested in requesting an appointment for the booster dose of the covid vaccine have several official channels:
The steps throughClicSalud+:

Access the ClicSalud+ page
Identify yourself, you can do so with personal data or secure identification.
Press the option Make an appointment for primary care / Vaccination COVID-19

Through the Salud Responde App

Have the application downloaded on a mobile device
Identify yourself. Once the system recognizes you, you will be offered the possibility to make an appointment.
Through the Salud Andalucia App

Have the application downloaded on a mobile device
Press the option ‘ Make an appointment for primary care ‘ and identify yourself by any of the available means
Through the Salud Responde telephone number
Call 955 54 50 60
Request an appointment for Covid-19 vaccination

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