Have you ever heard that dandruff can cause hair loss
Dandruff is a condition that affects the scalp, causing flaky skin all over its surface. This skin often falls off, leaving white residue on the shoulders. Some people with dandruff can go bald.
Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. It affects about 5-10% of the general population, mainly male, but can also be detected in women. However, it mostly occurs in people between 10 and 20 years of age, where the incidence of dandruff is estimated to be up to 50%. The presence of dandruff is an aesthetic problem, but above all it can be a sign of a serious health problem and should not be underestimated. What causes dandruff

  • What causes dandruff
    • How dandruff manifests itself
  • Types of dandruff
  • Dandruff can cause hair loss
    • What diseases cause dandruff and hair loss
  • How to deal with this discomfort
    • Remedies to control dandruff and promote hair growth
  • Anti-dandruff shampoos can help in these cases

Knowledge of the factors responsible for the development of dandruff is the basis for prevention and treatment. Dandruff is a chronic and recurrent disease. It can appear without an apparent cause as the factors contributing to its development can be different. These can be divided into internal and external factors. Among the first are: hormonal disorders, general physical diseases, stress and genetic predisposition. Occasionally, dandruff can be accompanied by other skin conditions, such as psoriasis, mycosis or atopic dermatitis. How dandruff manifests itself
Almost all hair types are prone to dandruff. Dandruff manifests itself, as we mentioned, with skin flakes that fall from the scalp and collect on the shoulders.
Dandruff can get worse over time and can also lead to inflammation of the scalp, constant itching, which leads to scratching constantly.
The causes of dandruff can be different:

  • Malassezia fungus, which feeds on the sebum of the scalp;
  • Stress;
  • Reactions to chemicals contained in shampoos or other hair products;
  • Environmental agents;
  • Unbalanced diet, and nutritional deficiencies;
  • Eating disorders;
  • Excessive sweating
  • Lowering of the immune defenses.

Types of dandruff

  • Light dandruff: A dry scalp or constant stress can lead to an exponential growth of the Malassezia fungus (which causes dandruff). Another possible cause of dandruff is an unbalanced diet. You may also experience mild dandruff if your scalp has an allergic reaction to certain hair products, airborne irritants, or even ultraviolet light.
  • Severe dandruff: A severe case of dandruff could be the result of seborrheic dermatitis. This condition is characterized by chronic inflammation of the skin caused by a yeast infestation and hormonal changes. This yeast (Malassezia furfur) lives on the scalp and feeds on the sebum that the scalp produces. Dandruff occurs with an excessive production of this sebum or an overgrowth of the fungus.

Dandruff Can Cause Hair Loss
Let’s go back to the question that interests us most, namely: Dandruff Can Cause Hair Loss
Contrary to popular opinion, dandruff does not directly lead to hair loss. But there are some causes that link dandruff and hair loss:

  • The constant irritation and itching (and therefore rubbing) that accompany dandruff can destroy hair follicles and cause hair loss;
  • Aggressively brushing or twisting the hair for some relief from irritation can also cause hair loss;
  • Shampooing can lead to clogged hair follicles and can worsen dandruff, causing more hair loss;
  • A compromised immune system can also increase the chances of dandruff and hair loss.

What diseases cause dandruff and hair loss
Some diseases can cause dandruff and hair loss:

  • Androgenetic alopecia: people suffering from androgenetic alopecia (male or female baldness) can experience greater hair loss due to dandruff;
  • Scalp psoriasis: This autoimmune disorder causes an overgrowth of cells on the scalp. It also causes red, thickened plaques with silver-white scales;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: Causes oily, itchy, irritated skin and a flaky scalp.

How to deal with this discomfort
Dandruff, particularly oily, should not be underestimated and a dermatologist must be consulted who will choose the appropriate treatment. Getting rid of dandruff is the first step to healthy hair. However, it requires patience and regularity. To achieve satisfactory effects, it is necessary to combat the cause of dandruff. Remedies to control dandruff and promote hair growth
The first thing to do is to moisturize and moisturize the scalp. We advise you to apply coconut oil on your scalp. The oil moisturizes and has antifungal properties that can help treat dandruff. But avoid using coconut oil if you have seborrheic dermatitis.
The second thing to do is to eliminate stress triggers, as a weak immune system due to increased stress can cause dandruff. Practice yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises to reduce your stress levels. Eat a healthy diet, eating foods rich in zinc, B vitamins, and healthy fats. These can promote hair and scalp health.
Try to adopt a hair care routine, those with an oily scalp need to shampoo regularly. Those with dry scalp should moisturize it often. A healthy hair care routine is essential in this case. Limit hair styling products; some hair products and dyes contain bleach, detergents or formaldehyde which can irritate the scalp and increase the risk of contact dermatitis. Anti-dandruff shampoos can help in these cases.In
contrast, some variations of anti-dandruff shampoos can lead to hair loss. Selenium sulfide formulas are more likely to cause hair loss.
We have discussed the various options that can help treat dandruff and associated hair loss. But the lost hair could also grow back
Hair loss due to dandruff can be reversed. It is important to keep dandruff under control with regular hair care practices.
Dandruff is not contagious. However, it can cause psychological discomfort and problems, upsetting your daily life. Dandruff can lead to an itchy, inflamed scalp and temporary hair loss. Consult your dermatologist if you experience intense and constant itching.

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