The new reality does not bring with it the disappearance of the coronavirus. We are aware that this new disease is out there but we have relaxed the precautions that must be taken to prevent its spread.
After months of confinement, without being able to see family and friends, it was normal that the first trips, meetings or encounters were to be with loved ones with whom we do not normally live. To these meetings are added night parties , massive sports celebrations or large bottles among the youngest. In all these cases we have relaxed and social distance and the use of masks are not kept .
It is these meetings and celebrations that have been caused in recent weeks by new outbreaks of Covid-19 in many of the autonomous communities. It is the community transmission of the coronavirus: infections between family and friends, a local transmission.

Local transmission

The director of the Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES), Fernando Simon, has warned that there is “community transmission” of the coronavirus in Spain, after revealing that there has been an increase in cases in 15 provinces in the last two weeks and that the “virus is more widespread than the outbreaks indicate.”
At the beginning of the health pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) already defined four possible scenarios of transmission of the new coronavirus, which also includes community transmission , that is, the local transmission of the disease, which does not it is produced by imported cases, but among members of the same population .
In the areas where this community transmission is taking place, most of the new outbreaks , it is difficult to test all suspects and locate contacts (a tracking system is being tested through an app). So when coronavirus outbreaks are at risk of becoming out of controlHealth authorities take more drastic measures among the population, such as partial or total confinement (case ofLerida ), with the aim of limiting transmission to small and controllable groups and thus reducing the risk of contagion.

Without traveling abroad

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), ” community spread means that people have been infected by the virus in an area, including some people who do not know for sure how or where they got infected.
In short, and to make it clear to the entire population, the community transmission of Covid-19 is contagion without havinghad contact with anyone who has been in risk areas and has not traveled abroad.

Parties and sports celebrations

Fernando Simon, as did the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has pointed out the lack of responsibility of the youngest groups . “We have outbreaks due to situations that are perfectly avoidable . Due to holiday celebrations suspended in the towns or due to sports celebrations that do not take place this year,” said the health specialist, clearly alluding to the images of Cadiz’s rise on Sunday.

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