In the last day, Spain has registered a new rise in incidence, of 2.1 points, to 53.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, after entering the medium risk threshold on Thursday (from 50 to 150 cases). by coronavirus, while the reported infections have once again exceeded 3,000.
Data from the Ministry of Health indicate 3,093 new infections (3,291 yesterday) and a rise in transmission in 15 communities, although the pressure in intensive care units throughout Spain continues to drop, with an average that goes from 4.37 to 4 .27%, with 400 patients.
Spain has only been below the threshold of 400 patients in the ICU on June 10, 2020 (379), while on August 11 of the same year it registered a close figure, 402 admitted, although since that date the spaces destined for intensive care units have increased in Spain as a result of the pandemic.
The total pressure in hospitals has hardly changed in the last day, it remains at 3.7% with 1,793 patients admitted, only six less. 27 deaths have been reported (48 in the last four days), bringing the number of deaths

to 87,504 , confirmed by PCR test since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020. Contagions and deaths in nursing homes

Regarding the elderly who died in residences, the progressive decrease that began in September and coincides with the third dose of the vaccine in the centers is maintained. In the last period recorded, from October 25 to 31, 10 deaths were registered (13 the previous week) and 67 positive cases in covid (compared to 163 7 days earlier).
By communities, the deaths of residents occurred: 4 in the Community of Madrid, 2 in Aragon and Castilla-La Mancha, and one person in Asturias and the Basque Country.
In total, since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, 30,682 people have died with Covid-19 or with compatible symptoms in senior centers.

In the last 24 hours, 183,842 doses have been injected throughout Spain, among the first, intended to complete the guideline and additional and reinforcement doses.
The number of people with some inoculated dose amounts to 80.2% of the total population , an indicator that advances those who will complete the guideline, of which 78.7% have completed the process, one tenth more than a day before.
As for the booster doses, 1,518,617 have already been inoculated, (1,331,295 from Pfizer and 187,322 from Moderna), to people in residences, with a clinical picture considered high risk, older than 70 years and citizens who were vaccinated with the Janssen monodose.
Communities keep more than 4.3 million doses in their refrigerators, to which is added the acquisition a month ago of 3.8 million serums from Pfizer, of which Health has not yet announced their arrival and which will be used to cover new vaccination needs.

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