The month of autumn arrives and the Festival of the Patios
starts in Cordoba until October 18 . The beginning of this custom of ancestry -where color and beauty stand out- is marked by the coronavirus health crisis that has already postponed the original celebration in the month of May . In this way, the Flora Festival in October is exchanged for a visit to the usual venues, although with a dimmer light and a milder temperature.
The owners of the patios, however, despite the fact that the calendar does not follow, have individually prepared their spaces to show off and make visitors fall in love, which will have 50 patios divided into six routes
-classified within the modalities of Modern Architecture and Ancient Architecture , as well as two other venues that participate in the category of Institutional and Emblematic Courtyards -, which will open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. . On Fridays and Saturdays, however, the closing will be at 9:00 p.m.
Some of the patios out of competition have a special and/or restricted schedule specified in the description sheets of each patio accessible through the interactive map.
Tourists will miss some plants that do not bloom at this time of year, but the color and emotion in front of these orchards will undoubtedly conquer the respectable.
News in the Courtyards of Cordoba 2020
The limitation of capacity and the insistence and obligation to comply with safety and hygiene measures (with the hydroalcoholic gel provided by Sadeco, the municipal sanitation company of Cordoba, which will also be responsible for the disinfection of the streets) will mark an atypical festival .
Visitors will be able to walk through the courtyards for a maximum of 15 minutes , wearing amask at all times .
In addition, making use of new technologies , during busy or very busy time slots, alerts will appear on the web in real time , definingWhich routes are affected
In fact, we can also keep up to date by contacting through twitter and facebook.
The visit to the Patios de Cordoba is free and free , so no special passes or reservations of any kind will be necessary.
Recommendations for the visit
The Patios are located in private homes that their owners open so that they can be visited for free. Therefore, from the City Council of Cordoba, a behavior according to the generosity of these Cordovans who open the doors of their house is requested.
The neighbors are present in the patio, ask them any questions you have, they will be happy to inform you. Also, please respect the plants and the area you visit . “Do not disturb the silence of the enclosures, listen to the sound of the water and enjoy the smells and colors that exist in each patio”, they advise.
It is also requested not to abuse the photographs and take into account that there are people behind waiting to enter for the visit, since most of the patios are small in size and their capacity is limited .
Finally, the Cordovan consistory has provided public toilets and information pointsin the areas and routes of the Patios. Their locations are on the interactive map.