If you belong to the club that detests a double chin , whether due to age or genetics, and you don’t know how to reduce it beyond expensive treatments and surgeries, we recommend that you begin to familiarize yourself with the term facial yoga.The jaw line making the area between the face and neck not balanced or attractive, but there are exercises that can improve the appearance and reduce some visible signs of aging such as this one. In fact, certain exercises in this discipline can strengthen the muscles of the face and neck to recover this elasticity and make the face look up to three years younger .. We explain some of them to encourage you and start experiencing all its benefits.
Facial yoga consists of stimulating the muscles of the entire face and toning them: «The facial muscles are very small, so it is easy to obtain quick results. You have to do the postures and concentrating on the muscle that is working, in addition to regularizing the breaths . In the most natural way we can recover the strength of the facial muscle , and the good thing is that this discipline is for anyone.


A kiss to the ceiling
Stand up and stretch your arms out to each side. Extend your neck up and try to raise your arms as high as you can, as if you were trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold that position for 5 seconds and return to the initial state.

Neck roll’

The first thing to do is look ahead. Turn your head to the right until it is in line with your right shoulder. In that position, lean back and hold the position for 6 to 8 seconds . Return to the starting position and do the same movement to the left side. Do three repetitions on each side.

look up
With your hands on your chest, open your mouth to the sides to say “i” five times. She shuts her mouth after each time. Remember that when you say “i”, make enough force so that the muscles on the left and right of the neck are visible, this will ensure that you are doing the exercise correctly.

She sticks out her tongue and pulls it up.
Make force with the tip and push up even more. With this step, you will train and stimulate all the muscles of the lower part of the face, the muscles of the neck and those of the tongue that weaken due to the passage of time.


PUSH Position yourself as if holding your head with your hand, push your chin down onto your supporting fingers and rest your elbow on your other hand.Hold the pose for three deep breaths . Then, use the fingers of both hands, gently touching the bottom of the chin and alternate with each hand, for 15 seconds.


We tilt our head back as we exhale we pull the jaw up. When we inhale we rest the jaw. We repeat 10 times

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