The common spaces in a condominium are available to everyone, but when there is an elderly person with mobility problems or a disabled person, it is necessary to use a stairlift .
Let’s clarify the Italian expenses and regulations that regulate this aspect. When a stairlift is required
A condominium inhabited by different people must also take into account the most particular needs. In case of need, you will have to deal with the installation of a stairlift or a slide for the wheelchair.
At the entrances of the buildings, very often, the door is enriched by a step and then by some internal steps that allow access to the lift. There is no doubt that, in the case of a person unable to walk, an adequate and safe solution will have to be thought of.
Ministerial Decree 236 of June 1989 highlights that all designers are called upon to think of common spaces accessible to all. It is not considered accessible by everyone, a difference in height that does not allow the installation of a ramp: breaking down architectural barriers is a duty.
But that’s not all, the ramps must be designed to allow the transit of two people at a time, with a width of 90cm and a slope of less than 8%. In a condominium, the lift must be up to standard and suitable for the transport of wheelchairs plus any accompanying person.
A concrete help is given by the stairlift, such as this Vimec stairlift for example, specifically designed to make the steps accessible to all the disabled. The regulations governing these instruments are strict and must be respected, not only in order not to incur fines but also in full respect of people in difficulty. Regulations for the stairlift for the disabled and the elderly
When we talk about a stairlift for the disabled , we refer to an evolving technological device that allows the disabled person to climb the steps thanks to a platform. The wheelchair climbs onto the latter and, through a special motor, reaches the upper floor.
The movement is slow, sweetand without any dangerous stress / oscillation. There are no inconveniences for the person concerned and the mechanism is highly intuitive.
These solutions are governed by Italian law , which deals with the removal of architectural barriers. The first law was the number 13 of 1989, with a municipal contribution distributed to condominiums where there was a disabled person.
Another law is that of 2012 and guarantees the quorum to be reached in the event of a condominium assembly, for the modification of the building according to the needs of one or more disabled people. The majority is calculated on the basis of the thousandth value of the building to then start all the adaptation works. Extraordinary interventions in condominium, who pays
When some condominiums do not agree on the extraordinary intervention, what happens
The first thing to do is to protect the person concerned to allow him an independent movement and a dignified life. The installation of these tools overcome architectural barriers and are not in the way of condominiums.
In any case, the disabled person or his family can proceed with the installation of the stairlift directly facing the expense (and with the help of the tax concessions available).