Have you ever wondered which are the Italian cities where the citizens with the highest income reside
. We too have asked ourselves this question and, analyzing some statistical data on the net, we have compiled a ranking of the richest cities in Italy. Italy has always been divided when it comes to wealth.
As for earnings, the province of Milan has always been in first place, followed by Monza Brianza, Bologna, Lecco, Parma and Bolzano. As for the South, the most substantial tax returns are presented in Naples, which however ranks 48th in the national ranking (it was 42nd in 2010).
To compile this ranking we used the average per capita incomedeclared by citizens residing in over eight thousand Italian municipalities.
Let’s find out together which are then the richest municipalities according to the latest data available .

15 – Pieve Ligure (GE), Average Income: € 36,100
Photo by Dapa19. The ranking is opened by a Ligurian municipality which, from the analysis of the Regional Handicraft Observatory, is also the “richest” municipality in the province of Genoa , but not only. Pieve Ligure remains in the first position also with respect to the whole Liguria region. The average income tax recorded is € 36,100.

14 – Baldissero Torinese (TO), Average Income: € 36,233
Photo by Alessandro Vecchi. It is the first Piedmontese municipalityand of the province present in this ranking, others appear a little further on. The incomes declared in the province are higher than in the regional capital. In Turin, in fact, the average per capita income is € 23,000.

13 – Arese (MI), Average Income: € 36,918
Photo by Marco Buroni. Arese is one of the 25 Milanese municipalities present in the ranking of the 100 richest in Italy. Only 13 kilometers away from the Lombard capital, it is a thriving town that sees the largest shopping center in Europe , recently inaugurated, rise in its territory.

12 – Luvinate (VA), Average Income: € 36.935
The ranking shows how, for the province of Varese, the “paperoni” reside on Lake Varese and around the capital, those who declare the least are the citizens of the far north of the province.

11 – Milan, Average Income € 37,309
Milan is the first and only regional capital that appears in the top 15 richest municipalities in Italy. The most industrious city in the country, which has always been synonymous with work and turnover, does not seem to have been affected, in recent years, by the effects of the crisis.

SEE ALSO : 10 things to see in Milan

10 – Pecetto Torinese (TO), Average Income: € 37,453
Photo by Gianni Careddu. Another municipality in the province of Turin opens the top ten positions in the ranking. 29 Piedmontese municipalities, more precisely in the province of Turin, appear in the top 50 positions, eight are in the province of Novara, another six are in that of Biella, three in the province of Cuneo, two in that of Verbano Cusio Ossola and one only for Vercelli and Alessandria . No town in the Asti area is included in the ranking.

9 – Vedano al Lambro (MB), Average Income: € 37,540
It is the only municipality in the province of Monza Brianza to appear in the top 15, even if Lesmo is in 24th place, and Monza in 29th.

8 – Campione d’Italia (CO), Average Income: € 37,687
Photo by MarkusMark. Campione d’Italia is located on Swiss territorybut it is a small Italian town. Located just 7 km from Lugano, it has just over 3000 inhabitants. It is known for the presence of the famous Casino but also for some significant tax breaks, many consider it a tax haven . The inhabitants of this municipality in the province of Como can take advantage of the positive effects of the Swiss customs regime and of the currency. Even if the residents of Campione have to pay the Italian taxes (among the highest in Europe!) They can count on some concessions such as the reduction of the IRPEF, regulated by a special provision in the Italian law.

7 – Segrate (MI), Average Income: € 38,055
Photo of Arbalete. This town in the Milanese province is reconfirmed in the top ten, most of its taxpaying citizens (about 12 thousand people, out of a total of 20,619) and income between 10 thousand and 33,500 euros. There are not a few citizens who can be considered more than wealthy, in fact, 1,178 earn more than 100 thousand euros .

6 – Lajatico (PI), Average Income: € 38,132
Photo by Sailko. Lajatico, in the province of Pisa, is the richest town in Tuscany . The cause
Perhaps to raise the average and the income of its most famous citizen, the tenor Andrea Bocelli.

5 – Torre d’Isola (PV), Average Income: € 38,487
Photo of Melancholia ~ itwiki. The average income of this village, which has just over 2,300 citizens, is one of the highest in the province of Pavia . The curious thing is that, on average, each inhabitant of Torre d’Isola declares € 38,000 per person, almost like the average per capita income of the United Arab Emirates!

4 – Pino Torinese (TO), Average Income: € 41,041
Photo by F Ceragioli. Nobody would say that in Pino Torinese, in the Piedmont province, the presence of villas with swimming pools and luxury cars can be so high. Instead, in this town that has 8,500 inhabitants, as many as 351 have declared an income exceeding € 100,000 .

3 – Cusago (MI), Average Income: € 43,213
Photo of Skukifish. Cusago is a small town in the Milanese province, more precisely in the western area in the hinterland of the Lombard capital. It has almost 4,000 inhabitants and together with the other municipalities of the province contributes to making Lombardy the richest region in Italy, with an average of almost 23 thousand euros.

2 – Badia Pavese (PV), Average Income: € 44,400
Badia Pavese is the second richest municipality in Italy and the first in the province of Pavia. It is located between Chignolo Po and Pieve Porto Morone and has 421 inhabitants.

1 – Basiglio (MI), Average Income: € 52,279
Photo by Piero Montesacro. Even if it is little more than a fraction, on the outskirts of Milan, Basiglio is confirmed in first place in terms of average per capita income. How the primacy of this municipality can be explained
The real estate project called Milano 3 , developed between the seventies and eighties by Silvio Berlusconi’s company Edilnord, gave the town the opportunity to populate itself with wealthy families.

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