Whether you are about to furnish for the first time or renovate, on the occasion of a new birth, the children ‘s room , it is in any case a very relaxing and creative activity to be carefully planned to create a safe, pleasant environment. to live daily and fun for your children!
So let’s see some ideas and useful hints to better furnish a bedroom , large or small, because it is certainly not the space that counts …
– First of all, it may seem trivial but it is not, you need to understand what type of furniture for the bedroom of children you would like to buy (if you are short of ideas take a look at the proposals of livingo.it). It is important to understand precisely how much space you have available, to get a more precise idea of ​​what can be useful to buy. In a small bedroom, for example, a bunk bed for children can be very useful, rather than separate beds on the floor.
From this point of view, the types of bridge bedrooms are also very useful, which allow you to save a lot of space thanks to the presence of bookcases or wardrobes positioned above the bed structure which, in many cases, is sliding and can be moved for storage. night. These bridge structures can also have two beds, possibly one of which is arranged in an elevated position and can be reached with comfortable ladders.
– The library in the children’s roomlarger and in fact an inevitable piece of furniture. If you don’t like the bridge structure – which allows you to have plenty of space for books – you could opt for small shelves arranged along the walls.
– We come to accessories. Curtains and carpets in children’s bedrooms are very useful. The carpets, in particular, are used to avoid dirtying the floor too much or, if the children are still crawling, to create a protection between them and the floor. But to avoid the classic rugs, it is much better to choose a play or multi-activity mat that will allow children to spend time in joy. The same goes for the curtains: choose washable, natural and colorful fabrics.
– In the choice of chandeliers for the children’s room, it is better to move towards LED lights, economical and practical. If the children are very small, it is advisable to avoid lampshades or other types of chandeliers within reach of your children.
– Very often there are excellent offers online for the purchase of used children ‘s bedrooms . In fact it is a type of furniture that, unlike sofas or kitchens, generally has a few years of life and therefore has good quality even when used. In any case, it is always advisable to carefully check what you buy and, if the purchase is made online, to provide for a refund in the event of undeclared problems or defects.
– We now conclude with the most suitable decorations for the children’s bedroom: very popular are the stickers and wall stickers, to choose from colorful and imaginative. Very nice, for example, the bright stars that can be applied on the ceiling and that light up as soon as the light goes out.