Ergonomic, functional and designed to ensure maximum functionality and practicality, the new seats for the living area and kitchen are the perfect combination of style, comfort and color. Designed down to the smallest detail, they fully satisfy the different market needs with models that, in addition to having increasingly sophisticated lines, meet important requirements such as lightness and manageability, with stackable chairs specially created to minimize space. Furthermore, the most current seating models play a central role especially in modern living environments designed to have an integrated kitchen and be a unique space. But how to choose them From what to start
The models of chairs on the market today are really many, ranging from the re-edition of the chairs signed by the great modern and contemporary masters who have made the history of design, to the very light and compact solutions, often foldable, or to the “traditional” chairs designed for embellish and embellish large dining tables. Studied and designed with many materials (wood, metal, plastic components of various kinds …) and with various colors and finishes, they are the inevitable and essential piece of furniture. The two words that should always guide the choice are two: functionality and personality.
A chair must be well designed, with the correct materials, ensure maximum comfort, allow for use as “practical” as possible and be a piece of furniture that has a unique character, not necessarily dictated by fashion. Therefore, focusing on a quality object that, as well as being beautiful and comfortable, is also in line with the furnishings of the space will undoubtedly be the most appropriate choice to buy something that lasts over time. Solutions for the “new” living areas
Nei soggiorni attuali il tavolo da pranzo ha ancora una centralita importante, baricentro del convivio e spesso il cuore dello spazio, le tendenze piu attuali per sedie e tavoli puntano su combinazioni varie, e non sempre combinate, che danno proprio alle sedute una nuova identita che (sempre piu spesso) prescinde dal tavolo stesso. Per questa ragione e sempre piu facile trovare combinazioni in cui non e presente una stretta continuita materica o cromatica fra tavolo e sedie, o abbinamenti in cui a un tavolo “piu tradizionale” vengono affiancate sedute contemporanee o ancora (nei casi piu estrosi) ad un tavolo dalle linee estremamente lineari si abbinano sedute tutte diverse fra loro, ma accomunate da un unico trend che puo essere legato al colore, al materiale o alla scelta di modelli “importanti” e firmati. Qualunque sia la soluzione scelta questa dovrebbe sempre essere bilanciata (sia nello stile sia nelle dimensioni) all’ambiente per ottenere qualcosa che sia armonico e proporzionato.The most current trend
In living rooms with integrated kitchens or in kitchens built in large open spaces, the seats play a central role. Whether it is very large living areas, in which there are both types of seating (traditional for the dining table and high / stool for the kitchen) or smaller solutions, in which often only one of the two is opted for. typologies choosing “particular” chairs can immediately give the right imprint to the environment. If you are in large rooms, with more seats, playing with combined high and low solutions that respond to a unique style in the right compromise between aesthetics and comfort will certainly be the best choice. As for the high seats / stools, these represent one of the new furniture musts,
Thanks to the new kitchen models which in most cases are equipped with high counters with islands or peninsulas that act as a worktop as well as a snack top or a real dining table, the stools play a key role in the interior of the current living areas. The models on the market are many models and all offer, compared to the past, beautiful and practical combinations that really offer maximum comfort. These are versatile, extremely dynamic and perfect furnishings, especially in those houses where it is important to optimize spaces and, for example, it is not possible to have a traditional dining table, but the element of the banquet is integrated into the kitchen worktop.
Experimentation field for architects and designers who have always loved to test themselves with this object considered the archetypal furniture par excellence, chairs and stools are at the center of new trends and styles of furniture. In addition to being indispensable, the perfect combination of aesthetics and function are fundamental to give harmony and particularity to the whole that hosts them.
Claudia Schiera